Low-dose Aspirin Could Help Prevent Pregnancy Complications Caused by Flu Infections

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A world-first study in animals has found low-dose aspirin may treat flu-induced blood vessel inflammation, creating better blood flow to the placenta during pregnancy. The study, published in Frontiers in Immunology, showed that treatment for preeclampsia could be applied to flu infections – and the results, according to the research team, were very promising. 

Lead researcher and RMIT Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Dr Stella Liong, said flu infections during pregnancy can resemble preeclampsia, a pregnancy complication that causes inflammation to the aorta and blood vessels.  

Low-dose aspirin is commonly taken to prevent preeclampsia, as it stops the body from creating chemicals that cause inflammation.   

“When the vascular system is inflamed, it leads to poor blood flow and affects the aorta’s function,” she said. 

“This is especially a problem during pregnancy where good blood flow to the placenta is crucial to the development of the foetus.” 

The research, led by RMIT University in collaboration with Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Professor John O’Leary and University of South Australia Professor Doug Brooks, found foetuses and placenta from mice with influenza A were smaller than those from uninfected mice. 

Markers of low oxygen to the blood and poor blood vessel development were also evident in the foetuses. 

However, mice treated daily with low-dose aspirin had less inflammation and improved foetal development and offspring survival. 

While the research was still awaiting human clinical trials, Liong said low-dose aspirin was already recognised as safe to take during pregnancy.  

However, the research team recommended pregnant people seek medical advice before taking new medications.  

Brooks said influenza A infections during pregnancy was a big concern as every pregnancy overlaps with part of a flu season.  

“There are long term implications for both the mother and the foetus, and aspirin might provide a simple solution for preventing this influenza associated pathology,” Brooks said. 

Source: RMIT University

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