International Pompe Day

Early diagnosis is key to transformative treatment in Pompe disease

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

15 April is recognised as International Pompe Day, a time dedicated to increasing awareness about Pompe Disease – a rare, inherited disorder that leads to progressive muscle and heart weakness. The day emphasises global awareness with the message: “Together We Are Strong.”

Pompe Disease is a condition resulting from mutations in a gene responsible for producing acid alpha-glucosidase (GAA), the enzyme necessary for breaking down glycogen, a sugar the body uses for energy.1 These mutations lead to a reduced or absent production of this enzyme, causing an accumulation of glycogen that damages muscles and the heart. The impact of the disease, including its severity and the age when symptoms appear, depends on how much the enzyme’s activity is reduced.1

Pompe Disease is classified into two types2: the infantile form, characterised by severe GAA deficiency and symptoms appearing in the first months of life1, and the late-onset form, where symptoms may start in childhood or adulthood, usually without affecting the heart.1

Early diagnosis is vital for managing Pompe Disease effectively and improving outcomes.2 Kelly du Plessis, CEO and Founder of Rare Diseases South Africa (RDSA), says: “The rise in adult diagnoses stresses the importance of recognising symptoms such as difficulty walking, frequent chest infections, fatigue, muscle weakness, and frequent falls. Symptoms in infants include feeding problems, poor weight gain, breathing difficulties, muscle weakness, an enlarged heart, floppiness, and delayed milestones.”1

Obtaining a Pompe Disease diagnosis can be challenging. Du Plessis’ own path to finding a diagnosis for her son confirms the difficulties of identifying Pompe Disease. “The journey to a diagnosis is fraught with complexity because of the many ways in which the disease presents. I urge parents to trust their intuition and seek medical counsel without delay, as early intervention is critical.”

Although there is no cure for the disease, Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT), available since 2006, supplies the body with a version of the GAA enzyme that people with Pompe Disease lack, and has significantly improved outcomes for patients.3

Monique Nel, Medical Advisor for Rare Diseases at Sanofi South Africa, emphasises the importance of early screening and treatment to prevent or minimise complications. “Access to ERT in South Africa has been life-changing for patients, offering improved energy levels and quality of life,” says Nel. “Starting ERT before the onset of symptoms can prevent or slow the progression of the disease. This means patients may experience fewer complications and a slower decline in their condition over time.”

Some of the key benefits of ERT include:

Improvement in muscle function: ERT helps to break down glycogen, preventing its harmful accumulation in muscle cells. Patients often experience improvements in muscle strength and function2, which can enhance mobility and daily living activities.

Enhanced respiratory function: Many individuals with Pompe Disease suffer from respiratory complications due to muscle weakness. ERT can lead to improved respiratory function2, reducing the need for ventilatory support and decreasing the frequency of respiratory infections.

Cardiac benefits: In the infantile form of Pompe Disease, heart enlargement and dysfunction are significant concerns. ERT has been shown to improve heart function2, which can be life-saving for infants affected by the disease.

“By addressing some of the primary symptoms of Pompe Disease, ERT can significantly improve the quality of life for patients,” says Nel. “This includes increased energy levels, reduced fatigue, and the ability to participate more fully in social, educational, and professional activities.”

“We also encourage healthcare professionals to consider Pompe Disease when evaluating patients with muscle weakness, respiratory issues, or unexplained cardiac symptoms, to ensure early diagnosis. Early diagnosis facilitates timely intervention and treatment, optimising patient outcomes and quality of life.”

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1. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Pompe disease. N.d. Available at:, accessed 9 April 2024.
2. Bhengu, L, et al. Diagnosis and management of Pompe disease. South African Medical Journal, 2014; 104(4):273-274.
3. Ficicioglu, C, et al. Newborn screening for Pompe disease: Pennsylvania experience. International Journal of Neonatal Screening, 2020; 6: 89.