Scientists at King’s College London have discovered that the features of asthma attacks, a disease usually treated as being inflammatory, in fact stem from constriction of airways, making breathing difficult. The new study, published in Science, shows for the first time that many features of an asthma attack – inflammation, mucus secretion, and damage to the airway barrier that prevents infections – result from this mechanical constriction in a mouse model.
The findings suggest that blocking a process that normally causes epithelial cell death could prevent the damage, inflammation, and mucus that result from an asthma attack.
Professor Jody Rosenblatt from King’s College London said: “Our discovery is the culmination of more than ten years work. As cell biologists who watch processes, we could see that the physical constriction of an asthma attack causes widespread destruction of the airway barrier. Without this barrier, asthma sufferers are far more likely to get long-term inflammation, wound healing, and infections that cause more attacks. By understanding this fundamental mechanism, we are now in a better position to prevent all these events.”
Asthma symptoms include wheezing, coughing, feeling breathlessness and a tight chest. Triggers such as pollen or dust can make asthma symptoms worse and can lead to a life-threatening asthma attack.
Despite the disease commonality, the causes of asthma are still not understood. Current medications treat the consequences of an asthma attack by opening the airways, calming inflammation, and breaking up the sticky mucus which clogs the airway, which help control asthma, but do not prevent it.
The answer to stopping asthma symptoms may lie in cell extrusion, a process the researchers discovered that drives most epithelial cell death. Scientists used mouse lung models and human airway tissue to discover that when the airways contract, known as bronchoconstriction, the epithelial cells that line the airway get squeezed out to later die.
Because bronchoconstriction causes so many cell extrusions, it damages the airway barrier which causes inflammation and excess mucus.
In previous studies, the scientists found that the chemical compound gadolinium can block extrusion. In this study, they found it could work in mice to prevent the excess extrusion that causes damage and inflammation after an asthma attack. The authors note that gadolinium has not been tested in humans and has not been deemed to be safe or efficacious.
Professor Rosenblatt said: “This constriction and destruction of the airways causes the post-attack inflammation and excess mucus secretion that makes it difficult for people with asthma to breathe.
“Current therapies do not prevent this destruction – an inhaler such as Albuterol opens the airways, which is critical to breathing but, dishearteningly, we found it does not prevent the damage and the symptoms that follow an attack. Fortunately, we found that we can use an inexpensive compound, gadolinium which is frequently used for MRI imaging, to stop the airway damage in mice models as well as the ensuing inflammation and mucus secretion. Preventing this damage could then prevent the build-up of musculature that cause future attacks.”
Professor Chris Brightling from the University of Leicester and one of the co-authors of the study said: “In the last decade there has been tremendous progress in therapies for asthma particularly directed towards airway inflammation. However, there remains ongoing symptoms and attacks in many people with asthma. This study identifies a new process known as epithelial extrusion whereby damage to the lining of the airway occurs as a consequence of mechanical constriction and can drive many of the key features of asthma. Better understanding of this process is likely to lead to new therapies for asthma.”
The discovery of the mechanics behind cell extrusion could underlie other inflammatory diseases that also feature constriction such as cramping of the gut and inflammatory bowel disease.
In addition to shedding light on what people actually die of, autopsies can also play an important role in helping us to better understand disease. Tiyese Jeranji unpacks tuberculosis-related autopsy research in the Western Cape and delves into some of the fascinating complexities of this branch of TB research.
Figuring out how many people in South Africa die every year of tuberculosis (TB) is not straight-forward. On the one hand, Stats SA’s frequent mortality reports put the number at under 30 000, on the other hand, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that it is over 50 000.
While this may at first glance seem like a large discrepancy, there is a simple explanation. The Stats SA figures are based on what is written on death notifications, and these notifications very often do not tell the full story of what a person died of. The WHO estimate, is derived using mathematical modelling that triangulates estimates based on several data sources.
Looking at the numbers from studies that determine the cause of death (or what people actually died of) is one of the ways we know that relying on death notifications result in an undercount of TB deaths. Such autopsy studies have consistently found that many people had undiagnosed TB at the time of death and that the undiagnosed TB was often the actual cause of death.
One review study published in the journal AIDS concluded that “in resource-limited settings, TB accounts for approximately 40% of facility-based HIV/AIDS-related adult deaths” and that “almost half of this disease remains undiagnosed at the time of death”. According to WHO figures, of the estimated 280 000 people who fell ill with TB in South Africa in 2022, over 65 000 were not diagnosed.
Importance of autopsy research
Dr Muhammad Osman, Academic Portfolio Lead and Senior Lecturer: Public Health at the University of Greenwich, tells Spotlight that it is important to do TB autopsy studies because it enables us to identify TB that was not diagnosed during life – and this helps us understand the true burden of the disease.
Osman says identifying TB at autopsies has significant benefits. He says by overlaying health seeking behaviour (how people visit clinics), we can identify missed opportunities for TB screening and design interventions to improve screening for TB. “We could trace family contacts of the deceased and offer TB screening and prevention. This is not taking place at present,” he says.
Osman and his colleagues published a paper in the International Journal of Infectious diseases in 2021 looking at TB in people with sudden unexpected death (SUD) in Cape Town. They found that active TB was identified at post-mortems in 6.2% of the 770 cases they studied. More strikingly, in around 92% of those cases the TB had not been diagnosed while the person was alive.
Osman says that these days there is an increasing awareness of undiagnosed and untreated TB. He points out that new interventions to improve TB testing and diagnosis have been implemented such as targeted universal testing — an approach by which people who do not have any TB symptoms, but who are considered to be at high risk of TB, are routinely offered TB tests.
He says these days healthcare worker risk is considered more carefully and he stresses the importance of protecting forensic and pathology teams. (Forensics focuses on determining the cause and manner of death while pathology is the study and diagnosis of disease through examination of tissue, cells, autopsies, and so on.)
Closing the gaps
Osman says their study also identified a gap between the pathology services and access to routine health service records. “We thought that this is an essential gap to close – the forensic/pathology services need access to routine health service. For a limited number of these deaths we were able to match their records to the public health clinic and hospital records – and many of them had contact with the health services in the six months before death,” he says.
“If forensic pathologists are given full access to the health records, they would know the timing of previous TB and the treatment outcomes of those episodes. The lung changes seen with TB are different in the case of active TB and healed/recovered TB. There are well documented macroscopic (what’s is seen by the examination) and microscopic (seen through histology and microbiology) findings,” says Osman.
A complex disease
The study of TB is complicated by the fact that TB can occur at several stages on a continuum and can impact several different parts of the body.
Professor Threnesan Naidoo, research pathologist at the African Health Research Institute (AHRI), tells Spotlight that when people think of TB, they usually think of the person who’s been coughing for a few months, loss of weight, loss of appetite, having night sweats, and maybe coughing up some blood. “But there’s a journey to that point and then generally beyond that point, and clinically, there’s a continuum of the disease. We refer to it as latent disease, subclinical, active and then healed TB,” he says. It is an area in which things are changing fast – a paper published in the Lancet medical journal last week proposed dividing TB into five stages.
Naidoo says autopsies provide an opportunity to study TB at different stages (latent, subclinical, active, healed) especially when someone with TB dies of another cause. He says they can encounter people at any stage along the TB continuum because at any point someone could be shot, stabbed, or involved in a motor vehicle accident. “You (pathologist) have a unique opportunity to study the effect of TB on cells and tissue physically under a microscope and not through imaging (x-ray),” Naidoo says.
Autopsies also presents the opportunity to look at TB disease not only in the lung, but also the brain, thyroid gland, kidney or urinary system since TB has the capacity to spread everywhere, explains Naidoo.
“Autopsy gives you the opportunity to study TB everywhere,” he says. “Clinically (when someone is alive), you don’t go about investigating the entire body. Neither is it practical nor feasible or safe. But [with an] autopsy you’re examining the entire body anyway. We study TB in totality,” he says.
How it is done
The standard manner of doing an autopsy involves a thorough examination of the body. Naidoo explains that the process starts with an external examination to document injuries, marks, and other physical characteristics that are visible. The internal examination involves dissecting organs, tissues, and body cavities to identify any abnormalities or signs of disease. Samples may be taken for further analysis, such as toxicology tests, histological examination, or TB research.
Any findings from the samples, Naidoo notes, must be interpreted taking into account changes that occur in a dead body. “[In] the living, you know, it’s a living person and they’re able to do things and you’re able to see things on imaging (X-Ray), but in the dead you have to account for the fact that the person has now demised and certain changes occur after death.”
Autopsy study at UCT
An ongoing study at the University of Cape Town is exploring the role of lymph nodes in the spread or containment of TB disease by looking at tissue of the deceased.
Much TB research so far have been done on animals and not on humans, points out Dr Virginie Rozot, research officer at the South African TB Vaccine Initiative (SATVI) and co-principal investigator of the UCT study. “We have great non-human primate and great mice studies that try to underline the mechanism of the disease progression. However, animal models are not a true reflection of what happens in humans.
“For the longest time in these human studies, most studies have been done in the blood and what is happening in the blood has been taken to correlate with what is happening in the lung.”
In short, autopsies allow researchers to look directly at lung, brain and other tissue in a way that simply isn’t feasible in living people.
“So the only way you can actually access tissues is to do post mortem studies. Post mortem studies have been happening since the beginning of last century. And they were like fantastic studies, but the tools were not the same as we have today. I think that should come back to the front of the scene of research because then you can ask all the questions we’ve been trying to answer on what is happening in the tissue by looking into the blood,” she says. “Autopsy allows us to study the exact part we want to study not just the blood.”
Collecting samples
In collaboration with the Western Cape Forensic Pathology Service, UCT has created a postmortem sample collection platform to help with TB research. By leveraging the Inquest Act of 1959, which states that people that die of unnatural causes must undergo a medico-legal investigation to determine the cause of death, Rozot and her team come in to conduct a post-mortem to get their samples. They aim to do the post-mortem in less than 24 hours after death.
Since starting this study about eight months ago, they have done 125 autopsies , with a consent rate of 64%. “I think our consent rate is incredible. We are still putting together our findings to determine how many cases of TB we have found so far by looking at autopsies,” says Rozot.
Representative samples
Dr Laura Taylor, forensic pathologist at the Western Cape Forensic Pathology Services, says the bodies that they look at, in line with the Inquest Act relating to unnatural deaths, are representative of people in South Africa. “However, they are not exactly representative of the entire South African population because there are certain socio economic groups that are more likely to die of unnatural deaths due to increased prevalence of trauma and violence in their communities,” she says.
Because there is no central database, Taylor couldn’t say how many cases of TB they find among the deceased. “[T]here are autopsy records or reports which are written for each case, but there is no central database for TB specifically detected [through] autopsy,” she says.
Forensic autopsy and other diseases
Rozot and Naidoo share the view that, if done well, TB autopsy studies can help shed light on other diseases.
The value of this information is that people dying with or from TB will also have any of the other conditions such as hypertension, HIV, and diabetes, Naidoo says.
“You can work out all those variables… [people] don’t just come with diabetes, the diabetes changes the face of TB, HIV changes the face of TB and TB changes the face of those diseases as well. So, the complexity of it becomes something that we need to pay attention to, and look at all the common variables, like the association of TB and HIV is a big one. So studies might look at HIV infection and how it may affect TB and vice versa. Same with diabetes, hypertension, any of the other non-communicable diseases as well,” he concludes.
Frequent musculoskeletal pain is linked with an increased risk of exiting work and retiring earlier, according to a new study published this week in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Nils Niederstrasser of the University of Portsmouth, UK, and colleagues.
Previous studies have shown higher rates of absenteeism, reduced working capacity and reduced income for people with chronic musculoskeletal pain. The prevalence of people living with musculoskeletal pain increases with age, but few studies have specifically focused on the effects of chronic pain on the employment status of older populations.
In the new study, Niederstrasser and colleagues used data on 1156 individuals aged 50+ living in England and taking part in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Over the course of the 14-year data collection period, 1073 of the individuals retired.
The researchers found that people with more musculoskeletal pain complaints tended to retire earlier compared to pain-free participants (HR = 1.30, CI = 1.12–1.49). Participants suffering from musculoskeletal pain were also 1.25 times more likely to cease work sooner (CI = 1.10–1.43), whether or not they described themselves as retired. Other factors associated with earlier retirement age included higher work dissatisfaction and higher self-perceived social status. Frequent musculoskeletal pain remained a significant predictor of earlier retirement and risk of work cessation at earlier ages even when controlling for the influence of job satisfaction, depressive symptoms, self-perceived social status, sex, and working conditions.
The authors conclude that pain experiences can lead to poor work outcomes and point out that further research should establish the mechanisms and decision making involved in leaving the workforce for people with frequent musculoskeletal pain.
The authors add: “It is remarkable that pain predicts earlier retirement and work cessation to a similar extent or even more strongly than other variables, such as job satisfaction or specific job demands. It shows just how much impact pain can have on all aspects of people’s lives.”
Disturbed gut flora during the first years of life is associated with diagnoses such as autism and ADHD later in life. One explanation for this disturbance could be from antibiotic treatment. This is according to a study led by researchers at the University of Florida and Linköping University and published in the journal Cell.
The study is the first prospective study to examine gut flora composition and a large variety of other factors in infants, in relation to the development of the children’s nervous system. The researchers have found many biological markers that seem to be associated with future neurological development disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, communication disorder and intellectual disability.
“The remarkable aspect of the work is that these biomarkers are found at birth in cord blood or in the child’s stool at one year of age over a decade prior to the diagnosis,” says Eric W Triplett, professor at the Department of Microbiology and Cell Science at the University of Florida, USA, one of the study leaders.
Antibiotic treatment could be involved
The study is part of the ABIS (All Babies in Southeast Sweden) study led by Johnny Ludvigsson at Linköping University. More than 16 000 children born in 1997–1999, representing the general population, have been followed from birth into their twenties. Of these, 1197 children (7.3%), have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, communication disorder or intellectual disability. Many lifestyle and environmental factors have been identified through surveys conducted on several occasions during the children’s upbringing. For some of the children, the researchers have analysed substances in umbilical cord blood and bacteria in their stool at the age of one.
“We can see in the study that there are clear differences in the intestinal flora already during the first year of life between those who develop autism or ADHD and those who don’t. We’ve found associations with some factors that affect gut bacteria, such as antibiotic treatment during the child’s first year, which is linked to an increased risk of these diseases,” says Johnny Ludvigsson, senior professor at the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences at Linköping University, who led the study together with Eric W. Triplett.
Children who had repeated ear infections before one year of age had a higher risk of a developmental neurological disorder diagnosis later in life. It is probably not the infection itself that is the culprit, but the researchers suspect a link to antibiotic treatment. They found that the presence of Citrobacter bacteria or the absence of Coprococcus bacteria increased the risk of future diagnosis. One possible explanation may be that antibiotic treatment has disturbed the composition of the gut flora in a way that contributes to neurodevelopmental disorders. The risk of antibiotic treatment damaging the gut flora and increasing the risk of diseases linked to the immune system, such as type 1 diabetes and childhood rheumatism, has been shown in previous studies.
“Coprococcus and Akkermansia muciniphila have potential protective effects. These bacteria were correlated with important substances in the stool, such as vitamin B and precursors to neurotransmitters which play vital roles orchestrating signalling in the brain. Overall, we saw deficits in these bacteria in children who later received a developmental neurological diagnosis,” says study first author Angelica Ahrens, Assistant Scientist in Eric Triplett’s research group at the University of Florida.
The present study also confirms that the risk of developmental neurological diagnosis in the child increases if the parents smoke. Conversely, breastfeeding has a protective effect, according to the study.
Differences at birth
In cord blood taken at the birth of children, the researchers measured substances such as fatty acids and amino acids, as well as exogenous ones such as nicotine and environmental toxins. They compared substances in the umbilical cord blood of 27 children diagnosed with autism with the same number of children without a diagnosis.
It turned out that children who were later diagnosed had low levels of several important fats in the umbilical cord blood. One of these was linolenic acid, which is needed for the formation of omega 3 fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties and other effects in the brain. The same group also had higher levels than the control group of a PFAS substance, used as flame retardants and shown to negatively affect the immune system in several different ways. PFAS substances can enter the body via drinking water, food and the air we breathe.
Opens up new possibilities
As the relationships found in the Swedish children may not be generalisable to other populations, studies in other populations are needed. Another question is whether gut flora imbalance is a triggering factor or whether it has occurred as a result of underlying factors, such as diet or antibiotics. Yet even accounting for risk factors that might affect the gut flora, they found that the link between future diagnosis remained for many of the bacteria.
The research is at an early stage and more studies are needed, but the discovery that many biomarkers for future developmental neurological disorders can be observed at an early age opens up the possibility of developing screening protocols and preventive measures in the long term.
By HualinXMN – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
New research from Cedars-Sinai found that glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) are associated with an increased risk of aspiration pneumonia following endoscopy. The large, population-based study is published in the leading peer-reviewed journal Gastroenterology.
One way the new obesity medications work is by slowing digestion, so people feel full longer, causing them to eat less.
This also means that food sits in the stomach longer. As a result, the stomach may not empty completely during the usual duration of fasting that is recommended ahead of a surgical procedure to decrease risk of aspiration, explained the study’s corresponding author, Ali Rezaie, MD, medical director of the GI Motility Program and director of bioinformatics at the MAST Program at Cedars-Sinai.
“Aspiration during or after endoscopy can be devastating,” Rezaie said.
“If significant, it can lead to respiratory failure, ICU admission and even death. Even mild cases may require close monitoring, respiratory support and medications including antibiotics. It is important we take all possible precautions to prevent aspiration from occurring.”
The study analysed data from nearly 1 million de-identified U.S. patients who underwent upper or lower endoscopy procedures between January 2018 and December 2020.
Patients who were prescribed GLP-1RA medications had a 33% higher chance of experiencing aspiration pneumonia than those who did not take these medications before the procedure.
This comparison also considered other variables that could influence the outcome to ensure a fair comparison between the two groups.
“When we apply this risk to the more than 20 million endoscopies that are performed in the U.S. each year, there may actually be a large number of cases where aspiration could be avoided if the patient safely stops their GLP-1RA medication in advance,” Rezaie said.
“The results of this study could change clinical practice,” said Yee Hui Yeo, MD, first author of the study and a clinical fellow in the Karsh Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Cedars-Sinai. “Patients taking these medications who are scheduled to undergo a procedure should communicate with their healthcare team well in advance to avoid unnecessary and unwanted complications.”