Month: November 2023

Surgeons Perform World’s First Whole-eye & Partial-face Transplant

Dr Rodrigueze and Aaron James. Credit: NYU Langone Health

A surgical team from NYU Langone Health performed the world’s first whole-eye and partial-face transplant for a 46-year-old military veteran from Arkansas who survived a work-related high-voltage electrical accident. The surgery included transplanting the entire left eye and a portion of the face from a single donor, making this the first-ever human whole-eye transplant in medical history and the only successful combined transplant case of its kind.

While it is still unknown whether he will regain sight, since the May 2023 procedure, the transplanted left eye has shown remarkable signs of health, including direct blood flow to the retina. Although many questions remain in a case with no precedence, this groundbreaking achievement opens new possibilities for future advancements in vision therapies and related medical fields.

About the Procedure

The May 27 surgery lasted approximately 21 hours and included a team of more than 140 surgeons, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, led by Eduardo D. Rodriguez, MD, DDS, director of the Face Transplant Program, the Helen L. Kimmel Professor of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, and chair of the Hansjörg Wyss Department of Plastic Surgery at NYU Langone.

The recipient, Aaron James of Hot Springs, Arkansas, survived a deadly 7200-volt electric shock while working as a high-voltage lineman in June 2021, when his face accidentally touched a live wire. Despite multiple reconstructive surgeries, James had extensive injuries – including the loss of his left eye, his dominant left arm from above the elbow, his entire nose and lips, front teeth, left cheek area, and chin down to the bone.

“Aaron has been extremely motivated to regain the function and independence he lost after his injury. We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect patient,” said Dr Rodriguez. “We owe much of our success in this monumental endeavour to the exceptional institutional support we receive at NYU Langone and the unwavering dedication of our world-class team in delivering the highest level of care to our patient. This achievement demonstrates our capacity to embrace the most difficult challenges and drive continuous advancements in the field of transplantation and beyond.”

The NYU Langone team was introduced to James’ case just two months after his injury, allowing guidance during the early-phase reconstructions with specialists at a Texas medical centre where he was receiving care. The possibility of a face transplant was discussed over the next year, and an initial evaluation for the transplant took place one year following the initial injury in June 2022.

When Texas surgeons were forced to remove James’ left eye after injury due to severe pain, Dr. Rodriguez and his team recommended that the optic nerve be cut as close to the eyeball as possible, to preserve as much nerve length to maximize reconstructive options, including the hope of a potential transplant later. This began the discussion on the possibility of including an eye with the face, something that has never been attempted before.

NYU Langone’s multidisciplinary team, Dr Rodriguez, and the James family collectively made the decision to move ahead with a whole-eye transplant in combination with the face – understanding that at best it may only provide cosmetic benefits but leave many unknowns.

“Given Aaron needed a face transplant and will be taking immunosuppressive drugs regardless, the risk versus reward ratio of transplanting the eye was very low. Despite the eye being successfully transplanted, from a cosmetic standpoint, it would still be a remarkable achievement,” said Dr. Rodriguez.

This is the fifth face transplant performed under the leadership of Dr. Rodriguez and the first known whole-eye transplant in existence. “The mere fact that we’ve accomplished the first successful whole-eye transplant with a face is a tremendous feat many have long thought was not possible,” added Dr. Rodriguez. “We’ve made one major step forward and have paved the way for the next chapter to restore vision.”

One of the Shortest Wait Times for a Donor—Three Months

Once James’ case cleared all approvals within NYU Langone, he was officially listed as a potential recipient in February 2023 with the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), the private, nonprofit organization that manages the nation’s organ transplant system.

Locally, the effort to find a donor for James was led by LiveOnNY, the organ procurement organization for the greater New York metropolitan area. In May 2023, just three months after James was listed for organ donation, coordinators from LiveOnNY identified a potential donor at another hospital in New York City. After a series of donor evaluations – including tests to determine if the eye was healthy and viable, led by Vaidehi S. Dedania, MD, retina specialist in the Department of Ophthalmology at NYU Langone – he was deemed an ideal donor. The total time from injury to transplant was a little under two years.

“The donor hero was a young man in his 30s who came from a family that strongly supports organ donation. He, in support by his family, generously donated tissues leading to this successful face and eye transplant, but also saved three other individuals between the ages of 20 and 70, donating his kidneys, liver, and pancreas,” said Leonard Achan, RN, MA, ANP, president and CEO of LiveOnNY. “LiveOnNY is proud to have collaborated with such a distinctive team of medical professionals at NYU Langone. This act of grace and innovative surgical procedure will have a multigenerational impact on all the recipients and their loved ones.”

A Question of Nerve

While corneal transplants have become relatively common, with thousands performed in the United States each year, successful whole-eye transplants to restore vision have remained elusive due to the complex nature of the eye and the challenges associated with nerve regeneration, immune rejection, and retinal blood flow.

The human eye is intricately connected to the brain through the optic nerve, part of the central nervous system and responsible for transmitting visual information to the brain. Reestablishing these nerve connections successfully is a fundamental requirement for a whole-eye transplant to restore vision and one of the biggest challenges.

Dr Rodriguez, in collaboration with the team at NYU Langone’s Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Center, part of the Blood and Marrow Transplant Program at Perlmutter Cancer Center, made the decision to combine the donor eye with donor bone marrow–derived adult stem cells. Bone marrow is a sponge-like tissue found inside the large bones in the body. Adult stem cells that are transplanted can work as a replacement therapy and natural repair crew, dividing again and again to create heathy cells that replace the damaged or dysfunctional elements.

“This is the first attempt of injecting adult stem cells into a human optic nerve during a transplant in the hopes of enhancing nerve regeneration,” said Samer Al-Homsi, MD, MBA, executive director of the Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Center and professor in the Department of Medicine at NYU Langone. “We chose to use CD34-positive stem cells which have been shown to harbor the potential to replace damaged cells and neuroprotective properties.”

During the transplant, bone marrow that was harvested from the donor’s vertebrae and processed preoperatively to isolate the CD34-positive stem cells was brought into the operating room (OR) and injected at the optic nerve connection of the recipient.

“We have now demonstrated that the procedure is safe and potentially efficacious, but we need time to determine if this step plays a role in enhancing the chance of sight restoration and if there’s anything further that can be done in the future to optimize the procedure,” added Dr Al-Homsi.

Innovations in Face Transplant Technology

Through collaboration with Depuy Synthes, the Orthopedics Company of Johnson & Johnson, and Materialise, state-of-the-art technology played a pivotal role in both presurgical planning and the actual surgery. Cutting-edge three-dimensional (3D) computer surgical planning, along with patient-specific 3D cutting guides, enabled precise alignment of bones and optimal placement of implantable plates and screws. This meticulous approach fit the grafted partial face and whole left eye onto James.

The successful surgery took place in NYU Langone’s Kimmel Pavilion, where expansive ORs enabled two highly skilled surgical teams to simultaneously operate in both the donor and recipient rooms. The surgical teams adhered to a carefully planned timetable – which was rehearsed many times over the last year – as the team proceeded with the transplantation and reconstruction process, seamlessly integrating the donor’s face and eye onto James as quickly as possible to ensure the optimal outcome. Dr. Rodriguez and his surgical team of 7 – and OR team of 80 – transplanted the following:

  • partial face, including the nose, left upper and lower eyelids, left eyebrow, upper and lower lips, and underlying skull, cheek, nasal and chin bone segments, with all of the tissues below the right eye including the underlying muscles, blood vessels, and nerves
  • left whole eye and socket including the orbital bones and all surrounding eye tissues including the optic nerve

As they do in all transplant operations, the surgeons sought to complete the procedure as quickly as possible to limit the ischemia time, or the amount of time the donated tissue is not receiving a blood supply.

“The progress we’ve seen with the eye is exceptional, especially considering that we have a viable cornea paired with a retina showing great blood flow five months after the procedure. This far exceeds our initial expectations, given our initial hope was that the eye would survive at least 90 days,” said Bruce E. Gelb, MD, a transplant surgeon at the NYU Langone Transplant Institute and vice chair of quality in the Department of Surgery. “We will continue to monitor, and I am excited to see what else we may learn over time.”

Dr. Rodriguez has since performed a less extensive follow-up surgery for James to optimise his functional and aesthetic outcome. James plans to have orthodontic treatment and dental rehabilitation in the coming months.

“Beyond the eye, the quality of Aaron’s results from the face transplant is special. You would never think he underwent such a procedure so recently. He looks great,” said Dr. Rodriguez.

The NYU Langone team has set the standard in the field of face transplants for eliminating and avoiding early rejection episodes as well as the frequency of rejections using a unique immunosuppression regimen.

As in previous face transplants, Dr. Rodriguez and his team collaborated with NYU’s advanced 3D media services center, LaGuardia Studio, to create a 3D-printed replacement of the donor’s face to restore the integrity of the donor’s identity after the organs were removed to return to his family. Traditionally, a molded, hand-painted silicone mask had been used. There are few printers in the world like the one at LaGuardia, which prints with 60,000 colors.

A Determined Patient Focused on Healing

Following the surgery, James spent just 17 days in the intensive care unit at NYU Langone, one of the shortest recoveries among Dr. Rodriguez’s face transplant recipients. He was discharged on July 6 to a nearby apartment. From there, he continued outpatient rehabilitation including physical, occupational, and speech therapy.

James continues to remain positive and eternally grateful to regain many elements of life he lost after the 2021 injury, especially the ability to taste, smell, and eat solid foods. On September 14, he returned home to Arkansas with his wife, Meagan, and daughter, Allie. James comes back to New York City monthly for follow-up appointments. He has the option to return to work as a safety manager for high-voltage line workers in the future.

“I’m grateful beyond words for the donor and his family, who have given me a second chance at life during their own time of great difficulty. I hope the family finds solace in knowing that part of the donor lives on with me,” said James. “I will also forever be thankful to Dr. Rodriguez and his team for changing my life. My family and I wouldn’t have been able to navigate this difficult journey without their expertise and support. Our hope is that my story can serve as inspiration for those facing severe facial and ocular injuries.”

James is looking forward to spending the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday with his family, getting to enjoy eating a holiday meal for the first time since his injury.

Seeing the Future

While James’ vision in his native right eye is intact, the transplanted left eye does not currently have any sight. However, over the last six months, his eye has shown remarkable signs of health in other regards based on various clinical tests that measure outcome.

Dr. Rodriguez, Dr. Dedania, and a multidisciplinary team of world-renowned researcher scientists and clinicians – including leaders in neurology, ophthalmology, radiology, and neuroradiology – continue to convene and discuss questions that remain related to the eye and ways to measure any indications toward sight restoration.

“What we’re witnessing now is not something we ever expected or thought we’d see,” said Dr. Dedania, who runs regular tests for James in relation to his eyes. “The first step is having an intact eyeball, a lot of things could come after that; this is a first in the world, so we are really learning as we go.”

James will continue to have various clinical tests on the left transplanted eye, including electroretinography, a test that measures the electrical response of the retina to light.

“This is certainly one extraordinary step in the right direction,” said Steven L. Galetta, MD, renowned neuro-ophthalmologist and the Philip J. Moskowitz, MD, Professor and Chair of Neurology at NYU Langone. “We’re now crossing into the frontier of the central nervous system. Whatever happens next allows the opportunity for various methods to try to enhance the remaining aspects of the retina, whether it be through growth factors, stem cells, or a device that can pick up the signals and then bypass things along that optic nerve pathway. I’m looking forward to further advancements from this case in collaboration with the very talented minds that made it happen here at NYU Langone.”

Study Confirms Link between CT Scans in Young People and Increased Risk of Cancer

Credit: Pixabay CC0

A multinational study of almost one million individuals confirms a strong and clear association between radiation exposure from CT scans in young people and an increased risk of blood cancers. These results, published in Nature Medicine, highlight the importance of continuing to apply strict radiological protection measures, particularly in paediatric populations. 

The benefits of computed tomography (CT) for imaging in patient management (including diagnostic efficacy, treatment planning and disease follow-up) are undisputed. But in recent decades the extensive use of this procedure has raised concerns about the potential cancer risks associated with exposure to ionising radiation, particularly in young patients.

“The exposure associated with CT scans is considered low (less than 100mGy), but it is still higher than for other diagnostic procedures,” says Elisabeth Cardis, Head of the Radiation Group at ISGlobal and senior author of the study. Previous studies have suggested an increased risk of cancer in in children exposed to CT scans, but they had several methodological limitations.

To address these limitations, clinicians, epidemiologists and dosimetrists from nine European countries (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and UK) came together to conduct a multinational, European-funded study, EPI-CT, coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

“Implementing this large, multinational study was challenging – it involved extracting data from radiology records of 276 hospitals and linking them to population-based registries in nine countries, all while maintaining the confidentiality of the individuals’ data,” says Cardis.

A dose-dependent association

The study analysed data from almost one million people, who underwent at least one CT scan before the age of 22. The dose of radiation delivered to the bone marrow, where blood cells are produced, was estimated for each person. By linking this information to national cancer registries, EPI-CT researchers were able to identify those who developed a blood cancer over time. Individuals were followed for an average of 7.8 years, although for those who had CT scans in the early years of the technology, researchers were able to monitor cancer incidence for more than 20 years after the first scan.

The results show a clear association between the total radiation doses to the bone marrow from CT scans and the risk of developing both myeloid and lymphoid malignancies. A dose of 100mGy approximately tripled the risk of developing a blood cancer. These results suggest that a typical scan today (with an average dose of about 8mGy) increases the risk of developing these malignancies by about 16%. “In terms of absolute risk, this means that, for every 10 000 children who have a CT scan, we can expect to see about 1–2 cases of cancer in the 12 years following the examination,” says first author Magda Bosch de Basea, ISGlobal researcher at the time of the study.

The authors point out that more work is needed to ensure that doses and technical parameters are systematically and adequately collected in the clinics in real time to further improve risk estimates in the future.

Public health implications

Today, more than one million children in Europe undergo CT scans every year. Although radiation doses from CT scans have decreased substantially in recent years, the findings of this study underline the need to raise awareness among the medical community and to continue to apply strict radiation protection measures, especially in the youngest patients. “The procedure must be properly justified – taking into account possible alternatives – and optimised to ensure that doses are kept as low as possible while maintaining good image quality for the diagnosis,” Cardis explains. 


WHO Updates COVID Treatment Guidelines

Photo: CC0

A panel of international experts representing the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Guideline Development Group has updated its guidance on treatments for patients with COVID.

The new recommendations published by The BMJ are part of a living guideline, developed by the WHO with the methodological support of MAGIC Evidence Ecosystem Foundation, to provide up to date, trustworthy guidance on the management of COVID and help doctors make better decisions with their patients.

The guidance incorporates the latest clinical trial evidence for existing and new COVID therapies and takes account of evidence relating to safety, prognosis, resources, access, and equity issues, as well as patient values and preferences. 

The updates include:

  • Distinct risk categories to help doctors more accurately assess whether an individual is at high, moderate, or low risk of hospital admission and tailor treatment accordingly.
  • A new treatment benefit threshold of 1.5% (down from 6%) reduction in the risk of hospital admission. This reflects the lower baseline risk for most patients with non-severe COVID as well as more safety evidence and wider availability of therapies.
  • A recommendation to use the antiviral drug nirmatrelvir-ritonavir in patients with non-severe COVID at high and moderate risk of hospital admission.
  • A recommendation against use of the antiviral drugs remdesivir and molnupiravir for patients with non-severe COVID at moderate and low risk of hospital admission (treatment is suggested for patients at high risk of admission).
  • A recommendation against use of a new antiviral (VV116) for patients with COVID except in clinical trials, regardless of illness severity.
  • A strong recommendation against the use of ivermectin for patients with non-severe COVID(advice against use of ivermectin in patients with severe or critical COVID, except in clinical trials, still exists).

The experts say the new recommendations reflect changes in the virulence and transmissibility of circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants and sub-variants, along with changes in immunity related to global vaccinations, which have led to lower baseline risks of severe illness and death for most patients with non-severe COVID.

They acknowledge that there are still uncertainties around COVID therapeutics and emerging evidence and say these recommendations need to be used in light of these uncertainties.

An interactive decision support tool is available to accompany this guidance.

Source: The BMJ

Medshield Medical Scheme And Clicks Strengthen Their Partnership to Enhance Access to Quality Care Through Medshield’s Smartcare Benefits

Medshield Medical Scheme, a prominent medical aid scheme, and Clicks, a leading retail pharmacy chain and Designated Service Provider on the Medshield Pharmacy and SmartCare Networks, are pleased to announce the expansion and enhancement of their partnership. This partnership aims to empower members with even greater access to quality care through Medshield’s SmartCare benefit, allowing access to a network of Clicks clinics for professional nurse and nurse-led virtual Family Practitioner (GP) consultations. This further cements their commitment to delivering healthcare excellence through technology.

Expanding the SmartCare Network

Medshield and Clicks have partnered to add 123 Clicks clinics to the existing 255 clinics in the SmartCare Network. This expansion guarantees that Medshield members can conveniently and efficiently access their SmartCare benefits at these selected Clicks clinics.

SmartCare: The Gateway to Modern Healthcare

Medshield’s flagship member benefit, SmartCare, is leading the charge in digital innovation in healthcare. By utilising the power of technology, SmartCare provides access to pharmacy clinics that offer a one-stop-shop for members to access professional nurse consultations, health risk assessments, sick notes, specialist referrals, medication and nurse-led virtual access to Family Practitioners (GP) when required. This benefit is redefining the way healthcare services are accessed and delivered, making it more convenient and efficient for both healthcare providers and members.

Medshield members have access to an unprecedented level of convenience through Clicks clinics, which are powered by the Udok telemedicine solution. These consultations cover prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, focusing on connecting patients, nurses, doctors, and medication for fast and convenient care.

Kevin Aron, Principal Officer at Medshield, explains, “When we introduced SmartCare, we aimed to offer a cutting-edge solution that would add more value for our members. Medshield was the pioneer medical scheme in South Africa to integrate this service as a new benefit for all members, without additional costs.”

The Medshield SmartCare Benefit

SmartCare offers a multitude of benefits to Medshield members, providing them with a holistic approach to healthcare:

  • Enhanced Access to Care: SmartCare provides Medshield members with easy access to quality care led by professional, licensed nurses at pharmacy clinics. The nurse will facilitate a virtual Family Practitioner (GP) consultation depending on the patient’s ailment. Once the patient has been diagnosed and treatment prescribed, the relevant medication is easily obtained from the pharmacy.  
  • Stretch day-to-day medical aid benefits:  Healthcare services offered by SmartCare pharmacy clinics such as Clicks are cost-effective, and enable members to receive quality care and their medication as a complete solution. Utilising the SmartCare benefits allows the member to receive quality care whilst minimising the use of their day-to-day benefit.
  • Improved Health Outcomes: SmartCare services implemented by pharmacy providers allow members to manage and receive preventative care through wellness checks and health risk assessments, providing access to early intervention services and ultimately leading to better health outcomes. 

The Vision of Collaboration

“We are excited to announce our enhanced partnership with Clicks, a valued partner on the Medshield DSP Network. With the addition of 123 Clicks clinics to the SmartCare Network, we are reinforcing our commitment to provide Medshield members with access to high-quality healthcare services,” said Kevin Aron, Principal Officer at Medshield. “SmartCare is revolutionising healthcare delivery, and we are proud to offer this innovative solution to our members.”

The Medshield SmartCare way of adding value:

  • A Medshield member can visit any Clicks clinic on the SmartCare network for primary healthcare needs such as acute conditions, wellness checks, health risk assessments, vaccinations, or chronic medication prescriptions as prescribed by a Family practitioner (GP).
  • A registered nurse performs a thorough medical history and examination of the patient.
  • The nurse can advise the patient on over-the-counter medication available at the pharmacy.
  • A virtual consultation with a family practitioner is requested by the nurse through Clicks clinic’s Udok technology when further treatment is necessary. The doctor then completes the consultation with the assistance of the nurse.
  • The nurse can print the doctor’s written documentation, and the patient can fill their prescription at the pharmacy immediately.

Accessible Medications and Comprehensive Care

In addition to SmartCare consultations, Clicks pharmacies are available on all Medshield plans, making access to prescription medication convenient for members.

Rachel Wrigglesworth, Clicks’ Chief Healthcare Officer stated, “This partnership between Clicks and Medshield focuses on the wellbeing of our customers, which is our top priority. The collaboration has expanded to include Clicks clinics powered by Udok, a solution that offers real-time access to registered family practitioners through our Nurse-led consultations on the SmartCare benefit, funded by Medshield Medical Scheme. As a leader in the healthcare market, this partnership perfectly aligns with our commitment to increasing access to affordable primary healthcare for all South Africans. We are committed to the continued success of this collaboration.”

Embracing the Future of Healthcare

As the healthcare industry continues to evolve in the digital age, SmartCare stands as a shining example of how technology and innovation come together to provide added convenience and efficiency in healthcare. It empowers nurses to provide additional care for Medshield members through accessible technology. Unless it is a trauma situation, members can visit a Clicks clinic on the SmartCare network for acute and chronic conditions. By embracing the future of healthcare through the SmartCare benefit, Medshield members can expect to experience efficient and reliable medical consultations to enhance their wellbeing.

“Medshield is continuing to reinvent healthcare the smart way. The SmartCare benefit offers our members a new level of convenience, connecting members with nurses, doctors and medicine like never before,” concluded Aron.

A Strengthened Partnership

Expanding the Medshield and Clicks partnership demonstrates a solid commitment to providing excellent healthcare services and a shared vision of creating a more accessible and convenient healthcare experience for Medshield members. It is a testament to the excellent collaboration between Medshield and Clicks, ensuring that quality care is always easily accessible.

New Approach May Take the Guesswork out of Selecting Treatments for RA

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya:

New research reported in the journal Nature could lead to new targeted treatments for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The findings showed that guesswork could be taken out of selecting treatments for each patient, and this might one day also be extended to other autoimmune conditions.

The study was led by University of Colorado School of Medicine faculty members Fan Zhang, PhD, and Anna Helena Jonsson, MD, PhD. The Accelerating Medicines Partnership: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (AMP: RA/SLE) Network collected inflamed tissue from 70 patients with RA from across the country and the United Kingdom. Jonsson supervised the team of scientists who processed these samples for analysis, and Zhang led the computation analysis of the data. These efforts yielded a cell atlas encompassing more than 300 000 cells from synovial tissue. Further analysis revealed that there are six different subgroups of RA based on their cellular makeup.

“We hope the data will help us discover new treatment targets,” says Jonsson, assistant professor of rheumatology. “We wanted to make it public so that researchers across the country and across the world can continue working on new treatment ideas for rheumatoid arthritis going forward.”

No more guess-and-check

Jonsson, a practicing rheumatologist as well as a researcher, knows that RA patients respond differently to different treatments. Until now, she says, rheumatologists used a “guess and check” method to find a treatment that works for an individual patient.

With the new data and powerful computational classification methods developed by Zhang and the computational analysis team, the researchers were able to quantitatively classify RA types into what they call ‘cell-type abundance phenotypes’, or CTAPs. Developed methods, together with the new cell atlas, can start to identify which patients will respond to which treatments.

“Even when you classify rheumatoid arthritis inflammation using these simple markers – T cell markers, B cells, macrophages and other myeloid cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells – what we found is that each of those categories is associated with very specific kinds of pathogenic cell types we’ve already discovered,” Jonsson says. “Previous rheumatoid arthritis research found that T cell populations called peripheral helper T cells are relevant in rheumatoid arthritis, as are B cells called antibody-producing B cells, and other specific cell types. What we found is that they’re usually not found all together.

“For example, the peripheral helper cells are found with the B cells in only one category of RA, and the pathogenic macrophage populations tend to exist in a different category. Because of this, we can start asking questions about how these specific partners work together.”

Source: University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Anything is Better than Sitting for Cardiovascular Health – Including Sleeping

Photo by Thestandingdesk on Unsplash

Replacing sitting with as little as a few minutes of daily moderate exercise measurably improves heart health, according to new research from the University of Sydney and UCL.

The study, published in the European Heart Journal, is the first to assess how different movement patterns throughout the 24-hour day are linked to cardiovascular health. Although it was an observational study and could not attribute causation, it added to the growing body of evidence surrounding inactivity, especially sitting.

It is the first evidence to emerge from the international Prospective Physical Activity, Sitting and Sleep (ProPASS) consortium.

In this British Heart Foundation (BHF)-supported study, researchers at UCL analysed data from six studies, including 15 246 people from five countries, to see how movement behaviour across the day is associated with heart health, as measured by six common indicators. Each participant used a wearable device on their thigh to measure their activity throughout the 24-hour day and had their heart health measured.

The researchers identified a hierarchy of behaviours that make up a typical 24-hour day, with time spent doing moderate-vigorous activity providing the most benefit to heart health, followed by light activity, standing and sleeping compared with the adverse impact of sedentary behaviour.

The team modelled what would happen if an individual changed various amounts of one behaviour for another each day for a week, in order to estimate the effect on heart health for each scenario. When replacing sedentary behaviour, as little as five minutes of moderate-vigorous activity had a noticeable effect on heart health.

For a 54-year-old woman with an average BMI of 26.5, for example, a 30-minute change translated into a decrease in BMI of 0.64 (2.4%) Replacing 30 minutes of daily sitting or lying time with moderate or vigorous exercise could also translate into a 2.5cm (2.7%) decrease in waist circumference or a 1.33 mmol/mol (3.6%) decrease in HBa1c.

Dr Jo Blodgett, first author of the study from UCL Surgery & Interventional Science and the Institute of Sport, Exercise & Health, said: “The big takeaway from our research is that while small changes to how you move can have a positive effect on heart health, intensity of movement matters. The most beneficial change we observed was replacing sitting with moderate to vigorous activity – which could be a run, a brisk walk, or stair climbing – basically any activity that raises your heart rate and makes you breathe faster, even for a minute or two.”

The researchers pointed out that although time spent doing vigorous activity was the quickest way to improve heart health, there are ways to benefit for people of all abilities – it’s just that the lower the intensity of the activity, the longer the time is required to start having a tangible benefit. Using a standing desk for a few hours a day instead of a sitting desk, for example, is a change over a relatively large amount of time but is also one that could be integrated into a working routine fairly easily as it does not require any time commitment.

Those who are least active were also found to gain the greatest benefit from changing from sedentary behaviours to more active ones.

Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis, joint senior author of the study from the Charles Perkins Centre and Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney, said: “A key novelty of the ProPASS consortium is the use of wearable devices that better differentiate between types of physical activity and posture, allowing us to estimate the health effects of even subtle variations with greater precision.”

Though the findings cannot infer causality between movement behaviours and cardiovascular outcomes, they contribute to a growing body of evidence linking moderate to vigorous physical activity over 24 hours with improved body fat metrics. Further long-term studies will be crucial to better understanding the associations between movement and cardiovascular outcomes.

Professor Mark Hamer, joint senior author of the study from UCL Surgery & Interventional Science and the Institute of Sport, Exercise & Health, said: “Though it may come as no surprise that becoming more active is beneficial for heart health, what’s new in this study is considering a range of behaviours across the whole 24-hour day. This approach will allow us to ultimately provide personalised recommendations to get people more active in ways that are appropriate for them.”

James Leiper, Associate Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation, said: “We already know that exercise can have real benefits for your cardiovascular health and this encouraging research shows that small adjustments to your daily routine could lower your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. This study shows that replacing even a few minutes of sitting with a few minutes of moderate activity can improve your BMI, cholesterol, waist size, and have many more physical benefits.

“Getting active isn’t always easy, and it’s important to make changes that you can stick to in the long-term and that you enjoy – anything that gets your heart rate up can help. Incorporating ‘activity snacks’ such as walking while taking phone calls, or setting an alarm to get up and do some star jumps every hour is a great way to start building activity into your day, to get you in the habit of living a healthy, active lifestyle.”

Source: University of Sydney

Review Shows that Insulin can be Kept at Room Temperature for Longer

Novolog insulin pen. Photo by Dennis Klicker on Unsplash

A new Cochrane review has found that insulin can be kept at room temperature for months without losing potency, offering hope to people living with diabetes in regions with limited access to healthcare or stable powered refrigeration. This affects millions of people living in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in rural areas, as well as people whose lives have been disrupted by conflict or natural disasters.

Insulin is an essential medicine for people with diabetes and current guidance states that before use it must be kept refrigerated to preserve its effectiveness. For millions of people with diabetes living in low- and middle-income countries, however, the harsh reality is that electricity and refrigeration are luxuries that are unavailable to them. Vulnerable populations in war-torn areas, disaster-prone regions, and climate crisis-affected areas, including those enduring extreme heat, also need solutions that don’t rely on powered fridges.

The new Cochrane review summarises results of different studies investigating what happens to insulin when stored outside of fridges, including previously unpublished data from manufacturers. The review found that it is possible to store unopened vials and cartridges of specific types of human insulin at temperatures of up to 25°C for a maximum of six months, and up to 37°C for a maximum of two months, without any clinically relevant loss of insulin activity. Data from one study showed no loss of insulin activity for specific insulin types when stored in oscillating ambient temperatures of between 25°C and 37°C for up to three months. This fluctuation resembles the day-night temperature cycles experienced in tropical countries.

The research team, led by Bernd Richter from the Institute of General Practice, Medical Faculty of the Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf, Germany, conducted comprehensive research to investigate insulin stability under various storage conditions. The review analysed a total of seventeen studies, including laboratory investigations of insulin vials, cartridges/pens, and prefilled syringes, demonstrating consistent insulin potency at temperatures ranging from 4°C to 37°C, with no clinically relevant loss of insulin activity.

Bernd stressed the significance of this research, particularly for people living with type 1 diabetes, where “insulin is a lifeline, as their very lives depend on it. While type 2 diabetes presents its challenges, type 1 diabetes necessitates insulin for survival. This underscores the critical need for clear guidance for people with diabetes in critical life situations, which many individuals lack from official sources.

“Our study opens up new possibilities for individuals living in challenging environments, where access to refrigeration is limited. By understanding the thermal stability of insulin and exploring innovative storage solutions, we can make a significant impact on the lives of those who depend on insulin for their well-being.”

These findings can help communities facing challenges in securing constant cold storage of insulin. They provide reassurance that alternatives to powered refrigeration of insulin are possible without compromising the stability of this essential medicine. It suggests that if reliable refrigeration is not possible, room temperature can be lowered using simple cooling devices such as clay pots for insulin storage.

The researchers have also identified uncertainties for future research to address. There remains a need to better understand insulin effectiveness following storage under varying conditions. Further research is also needed on mixed insulin, influence of motion for example when insulin pumps are used, contamination in opened vials and cartridges, and studies on cold environmental conditions.

Source: Cochrane Reviews

Antibodies to Cow’s Milk Linked to Increased Cardiovascular Mortality Risk

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Sensitivity to common food allergens such as cow’s milk and peanuts could be an important and previously unappreciated cause of heart disease, new research suggests – and the increased risk for cardiovascular death includes people without obvious food allergies.

In a paper published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology the authors show that the people who produced IgE antibodies to cow’s milk and other foods were at significantly increased risk of cardiovascular mortality. This was true even when traditional risk factors for heart disease, such as smoking, high blood pressure, and diabetes were accounted for. The strongest link was for cow’s milk, but IgE to other allergens such as peanut and shrimp were also significant among those who eat the foods.

This troubling finding represents the first time that IgE antibodies to common foods have been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular mortality, the researchers report. The findings do not conclusively prove that food antibodies are causing the increased risk, but the work builds on previous studies connecting allergic inflammation and heart disease. Corinne Keet, MD, PhD, paediatric allergy and immunology professor, led the work. She said: “People who had an antibody called IgE to foods that they regularly eat seemed to be at increased risk for dying from heart disease.”

“We were surprised by these findings because it is very common to have IgE to foods (about 15% of American adults have IgE to common food allergens), and most people don’t have any symptoms when they eat the food. As allergists, our thinking has been that it is not important if people have IgE to foods, as long as they don’t have symptoms when they eat the food,” said Keet, who is the corresponding author of the paper.

Funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and an AAAAI Faculty Development Award to her collaborator Jeff Wilson at the University of Virginia, this research used two methods to examine the association between IgE sensitisation to foods and cardiovascular mortality. Data from 4,414 adults who participated in The National Health and Examination Survey (NHANES) and 960 participants in the Wake Forest site of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) cohort were used. Participants were enrolled in MESA from 2000–2002 and followed for up to 19 years. Participants were enrolled in NHANES from 2005 to 2006 and data on mortality up to 14 years were tracked. Total and specific IgE was measured to cow’s milk, egg, peanut, shrimp, and a panel of aeroallergens for the NHANES group. IgE to cow’s milk, alpha-gal, peanut, dust mite and timothy grass were measured in the MESA group. In NHANES, 229 cardiovascular deaths were recorded and 960 deaths from MESA were also reported. Milk sensitisation was particularly associated in both NHANES & MESA. Researchers also discovered that food sensitisation to shrimp and peanut were both additional risk factors for heart disease.

It is also important to note that associations in the findings related to food sensitisation rather than clinical allergy. Although researchers did not have access to information about clinical food allergy in either cohort, they expect that individuals who report regularly eating a food allergen on food frequency questionnaires were not showing symptoms of a food allergy. Thus, the findings that showed how associations were strengthened when researchers excluded those who avoided the food suggest that these findings were most relevant to those who have not been diagnosed with food allergy. Keet says the results raise questions about whether these apparently non-allergic individuals may have long-term consequences from consuming foods to which they are sensitised.

The study states that aside from two recent reports linking IgE to the unusual carbohydrate allergen alpha-gal to coronary artery disease, cardiovascular disease had not previously been identified as a long-term complication of food sensitisation. However, there is now substantial evidence for the importance of allergic-type immune pathways in normal cardiac physiology and heart disease. Because discovering the link between milk sensitization with cardiovascular mortality is new, Keet says there’s more to explore as far as the relevance of food sensitization and diet in cardiovascular disease development.

“More research needs to be done about how sensitisation to common food allergens is related to cardiovascular disease,” she said. “While this study provides good evidence of an association between sensitization to these allergens and death from cardiovascular disease, there is much work to be done to understand if this is a causal relationship.”

Source: University of North Carolina

Cat-borne Toxoplasma Gondii Linked to Frailty in the Elderly

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Toxoplasma gondii, a common, cat-borne parasite already associated with risk-taking behaviour and mental illness in humans may also contribute to exhaustion, loss of muscle mass, and other signs of frailty in older adults, suggests a study published in the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Science.

The research, by an international team of scientists including University of Colorado Boulder, University of Maryland School of Medicine and the University of A Coruña in Spain, is the latest to explore how the tiny, single-celled organism T. gondii could have big impacts on human health.

“We often think of T. gondii infection as relatively asymptomatic, but this study highlights that for some people it may have significant health consequences later on,” said co-author Christopher Lowry, a professor at CU Boulder.

Some 11%–15% of people in the US have been infected with T. gondii at some point and rates tend to be far higher in older individuals. In some countries, more than 65% have been infected. Once infected, people can unknowingly harbour the parasite for life.

For the study, the team examined the blood of 601 Spanish and Portuguese adults over 65, along with measures of a common geriatric syndrome known as frailty – which includes unintentional weight loss, tiredeness, loss of cognitive sharpness and other indications of declining health.

A whopping 67% of study subjects were “seropositive” showing markers in their blood of a latent infection.

The researchers did not, as they originally hypothesized, find an association between any infection to T. gondii and frailty. But they did find that, among those infected, those with higher “serointensity” or a higher concentration of antibodies to the parasite, were significantly more likely to be frail.

Higher serointensity could reflect a more virulent or widespread infection, multiple infections or recent reactivation of a latent infection, the authors said.

“This paper is important because it provides, for the first time, evidence of the existence of a link between frailty in older adults and intensity of the response to T. gondii infection,” said co-author Blanca Laffon, a professor of psychobiology at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Chemistry and Biology at University of A Coruña.

How cats spread T. gondii

Wild and domestic felines are considered the definitive host of the parasite, while warm-blooded animals like birds and rodents serve as secondary hosts: When cats eat infected animals, T. gondii takes up residence and multiplies in their intestines, shedding eggs in their faeces.

People are typically infected via exposure to those eggs (via litter boxes, contaminated water or dirty vegetables) or by eating undercooked pork, lamb or other meat that’s infested.

Most people never know they’ve been infected, with only about 10% initially having brief flu-like symptoms. But T. gondii tends to linger dormant for decades, cloaked in cysts in muscle and brain tissue (specifically the emotion-processing region known as the amygdala) with some insidious impacts, mounting research suggests.

In a creepy evolutionary trick seemingly designed to benefit the parasite’s favourite host, rodents infected with T. gondii tend to lose their fear of felines, making it easier for cats to catch rats and mice. In the wild, infected chimpanzees have been shown to actually grow attracted to the smell of the urine of their feline predator, the leopard.

People who have been infected also tend to engage in risky behaviour, with research showing they tend to be more impulsive, more entrepreneurial and more likely to get in a car accident. They also have higher rates of schizophrenia, certain mood disorders, cognitive problems and are more likely to attempt suicide, according to research by Lowry and Dr Teodor Postolache, a professor in the Department of Psychiatry at University of Maryland School of Medicine and senior author on the new study.

A declining immune response?

The authors caution that the new study does not prove causation, but suggests the association should be researched.

They found that frail people with high T. gondii seropositivity also had higher levels of certain inflammatory markers, suggesting that infection with the parasite could exacerbate inflammation that already occurs with aging – aka. “inflammaging.”

Because latent T. gondii tends to hide out in muscle tissue, Postolache suspects it could also play a role in hastening sarcopenia.

Lowry’s research focuses on the impact microorganisms have on the immune system and, thus, mental health. He notes that many microbes that humans have evolved with impact health in a positive way – a theory known as the ‘Old Friends’ hypothesis. Even T. gondii may have health benefits we aren’t yet aware of, he said. But in some cases, a switch flips, and friends become enemies.

In the case of T. gondii, certain medications or immune compromising diseases like HIV or cancer can enable a latent infection to escape suppression and reactivate, with adverse effects. Even in people with healthy immune systems, Lowry notes, immune function can decline with age, potentially wakening dormant dormant T. gondii.

The researchers hope their study will inspire more research into the relationship between T. gondii and frailty, and ultimately lead to new ways of keeping the parasite from doing harm.

For now, they encourage people – especially pregnant and immunocompromised people – to take steps to avoid infection.

Tips for preventing infection:

Change litter box daily, and wash hands afterward.

Avoid eating undercooked meat.

Rinse fruits and vegetables.

If pregnant or immunocompromised:

Avoid changing the litter box if possible (T. gondii infection during pregnancy can cause serious problems to a developing foetus).

Keep cats indoors.

Avoid stray cats.

Source: University of Colorado at Boulder

Predicting and Preventing Anaphylaxis During Food Allergy Tests

Photo by Corleto on Unsplash

A team of University of Michigan researchers developed a method that measures water loss from the skin to predict anaphylaxis during oral food challenges before it becomes clinically evident. The results are published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Oral food challenges – when a patient ingests increasing doses up to a full serving of the suspected food allergen under supervision of a medical provider – are the diagnostic standard as skin and blood allergy tests have high false positive rates.

Although a highly accurate diagnostic test, patients often experience anaphylaxis during oral food challenges necessitating an epinephrine injection.

“This method could enhance the ability to detect and predict anaphylaxis during oral food challenges prior to the need for epinephrine, greatly improving patient safety and comfort,” said Charles Schuler, M.D., lead author of the study and an immunologist at Michigan Medicine.

Building on existing research

During anaphylaxis, the dilation or widening of the blood vessels increases heat and water loss from the surface of the skin.

Previous research has assessed facial thermography, which uses a specialized camera to detect heat patterns emitted from the skin, as a method to predict anaphylaxis.

However, this method requires optics expertise, tightly controlled conditions and for the patient to sit still for an extended period – making this an impractical choice, especially for assessing food allergies in children.

The researchers validated the use of transepidermal water loss, a measurement that represents the amount of water that escapes from a given skin area per hour, by comparing its ability to detect anaphylaxis with biochemical and clinical observation methods.

They found that transepidermal water loss increases during food allergy reactions and anaphylaxis.

The rise in skin water loss correlated with biochemical markers of anaphylaxis and substantially preceded clinical detection of anaphylaxis.

“Transepidermal water loss measurement can be done in office without specialized equipment, affixed to the skin and works in children making it a vast improvement from previous attempts at early anaphylaxis detection methods,” said Schuler.

Schuler’s research group is currently recruiting participants aged six months to five years old for a pilot clinical trial, Predicting Peanut Anaphylaxis and Reducing Epinephrine, that monitors transepidermal water loss from the forearm during a peanut allergy food challenge.

Results will help pinpoint values associated with anaphylaxis to determine “stopping rules” to end oral food challenges, hopefully reducing the need for epinephrine injections.

Source: Michigan Medicine – University of Michigan