Uniting in a Shared Vision for Improved Patient Safety

Talk to your patients about safe, effective use of medicines

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Approximately one in ten patients experience an adverse drug reaction during their care1. This can lead to serious harm or even death. Sanofi is committed to reducing these numbers by working with healthcare practitioners to create a culture of patient safety.

“Patient safety is a top priority for Sanofi,” says Yusuf Dawood, Multi-Country Safety Head for Sanofi Southern Africa. “We believe that patients should be essential partners in their healthcare journeys, and we are committed to working with healthcare professionals alongside their patients to ensure optimal therapeutic outcomes. We call on all healthcare practitioners to join us in raising awareness of patient safety. By working together, we can advocate for improved communication and reduce patient harm.”

Here are some key tips for healthcare practitioners on how to improve patient safety:

  • Ask patients about their concerns and listen to their feedback. They can provide valuable insights into their own health and well-being and by engaging them, healthcare practitioners can ensure that potential issues are detected as soon as possible and handled appropriately.
  • Provide patients with clear and concise information about their care. Patients need to understand what their diagnosis is, what treatment options are available, and what the benefits and risks of each option are. They also need to know what to expect during and after their treatment, and how to manage any side effects or complications. By giving patients accurate and easy-to-understand information, healthcare practitioners can empower them to make informed choices about their care.
  • Communicate with patients and other members of the healthcare team. Use simple and unambiguous language, avoid jargon and acronyms, and confirm that the patient has understood the information they have been given. Use tools such as checklists, handovers, and feedback loops to ensure that the information they share is complete and accurate.
  • Follow safety protocols and procedures. Healthcare practitioners need to adhere to guidelines, policies, protocols, best practices and standards of care established by professional bodies and regulatory authorities, which have been designed to prevent or minimise harm to patients.
  • Report issues immediately. Report any patient safety issues to the appropriate authorities in the interest of public safety. Report any medication-related patient safety issues to the relevant pharmaceutical companies. This enables companies to continuously monitor the benefit-risk profile of their products and ensure the safe use of medicines.

“Patient safety should be a top priority for healthcare professionals and pharmaceutical companies because the goal of both sectors is to improve and protect the well-being of individuals,” says Dawood. “When safety is compromised, it not only jeopardises the health and trust of patients but also undermines the credibility and integrity of the entire healthcare system. By working with pharmaceutical companies like Sanofi, healthcare professionals can provide real-world feedback on drug efficacy and side effects. This collaborative approach ensures that treatments are both safe and effective.

Join Sanofi in championing patient care. Let’s collaborate, communicate, and make every patient’s journey safer.

1. Ribeiro, M. et al. (2018) ‘Increase of 10% in the rate of adverse drug reactions for each drug administered in hospitalized patients’, Clinics, 73, pp. 1–6. doi:10.6061/clinics/2018/e185.

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