Axial Spondyloarthritis Association of South Africa wins Excellence Award at EULAR PARE Assembly 2022

Maranda Van Dam, Chairperson of ASASA (left) accepting award, with Souzi Makri President of PARE (middle) and Nikos Sleeks, ELEANA Greece (right)

Maranda van Dam, Chairman of the Axial Spondyloarthritis Association of South Africa (ASASA) won an award of excellence at the EULAR PARE (People with Arthritis/Rheumatism across Europe) Congress 2022, for work performed by ASASA around axial spondyloarthritis (AxSpA) in South Africa. The PARE congress took place from 20 – 22 October 2022, in Brussels, and included a Representation Committee consisting of members of the PARE, of which van Dam is an associate.

The award was based on strides made by ASASA towards improving the quality of life of people living with AxSpa, as well as training done to build awareness in the medical fraternity around AxSpA in the country. With 36 posters entered into the awards by organisations across the globe, ASASA came out tops.

When asked about the award, van Dam said, “This was a real honour to represent South Africa at PARE. 2022 is also the first year that an African country was invited to attend PARE. Winning this award sheds light on our country and our unique problems. The delay to diagnosis of 10.8 years is just unacceptable. The access to the correct medication in both the private and public sector is also not sufficient for a debilitating, progressive disease that can lead to disability if left untreated.”

ASASA estimates that there are approximately 160 000 people suffering from the AxSpA in South Africa, with many of these sufferers undiagnosed. ASASA has made significant strides this year in the training of over 100 General Practitioners and over 250 optometrists around AxSpA diagnosis and the effects it can have on other parts of the body, like the eyes. In addition, ASASA, along with other partners, assisted in gathering data from South African respondents in the first ever live patient survey, called the International Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (IMAS) survey, which is run by the Axial Spondyloarthritis International Federation that surveys people diagnosed with AxSpA and assesses the impact and burden that AxSpA has on the lives of patients, from their perspective.

Van Dam concluded, “There is still a lot we can do in South Africa and ASASA is busy growing its team of volunteers to help to build awareness around AxSpA in the country. We aim to continue to build support structures for patients in the country, as well as continually working with the medical fraternity, assisting with early diagnosis and access to treatment.”