Study Finds Wastewater Monitoring can Work for Most Pathogens

Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

Researchers in the American Journal of Epidemiology report that wastewater surveillance of diseases that infect humans should work in most cases. But more research is needed to apply the science for public health benefit, the research team concluded.

Led by epidemiologist David Larsen from Syracuse University, the team’s work published examined all peer-reviewed scientific articles of wastewater surveillance published through July 2020. The team identified a variety of pathogens that can be found in wastewater, including almost all infectious diseases that the World Health Organization has classified as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) such as Ebola virus and Zika virus.

But despite this positive finding, few studies relate what is found in the wastewater to public health and the amount of disease that is circulating.

“Testing the wastewater is only one component of this powerful science,” said Dr Larsen, an associate professor of public health at Syracuse University. “Understanding the results and implications for public health is just as challenging. We need interdisciplinary teams working together to maximise the benefit of wastewater-based epidemiology.”

Wastewater-based epidemiology is the science of taking what is found in wastewater and using that information to understand population-level health trends. Most of the articles reviewed looked at what they could find in the wastewater and omitted the second step of relating the findings to other measures of population-level health, such as numbers of cases, test positivity, or hospitalisations.

Wastewater-based epidemiology of COVID has enjoyed substantial availability of clinical COVID data, and results from wastewater surveillance are more easily understood in terms of COVID transmission. However, the research team determined that more work is needed to be done for other pathogens, including monkeypox and polio, to increase the utility of wastewater surveillance to benefit public health.

Source: Syracuse University

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