For certain patients with vomiting and nausea in the emergency department (ED), haloperidol may be a better alternative to the usual ondansetron, according to a small study presented at the American College of Emergency Physicians annual meeting.
“[Haloperidol] is definitely a drug that’s going to help young patients with benign abdomens who come in with vomiting and generalised abdominal pain,” study presenter Jessica McCoy, MD, told MedPage Today.
Dr McCoy presented data showing that, at 90 minutes, median abdominal pain Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score fell from 5 to 0 in the patients who received haloperidol compared with a VAS score drop from 6 to 3.5 in the ondansetron group.
Also at 90 minutes, median nausea VAS score fell from 7 to 0.5 in the haloperidol group versus 6 to 3.5 in the ondansetron group.
Of 48 patients (ages 18-55) who were included and completed the study, 22 were randomised to receive 2.5mg of intravenous haloperidol (half the usual dose) and 26 to receive 4mg of IV ondansetron.
Dr McCoy said despite concern over haloperidol prolonging the QT interval, no sign of a difference between the drugs was found. Among the 29 cannabis users in the study, haloperidol was not found to be superior at 90 minutes post-treatment, she said.
Halving the dose of haloperidol seemed to prevent common side effects of anxiety, sedation, and restlessness, Dr McCoy noted.
Adverse effects, which resolved by the time of discharge from the ED, included three cases of anxiety/restlessness and one case of tongue swelling in the haloperidol group and single cases of restlessness, sleepiness, and irritated throat in the ondansetron group.
Nausea and vomiting is commonly reported by ED patients, one of the top five complaints in the ED, and a diagnosis may be elusive if urgent treatment is not needed, she explained. “There’s this whole list of things it could be that make you feel lousy for a little bit but get better on their own.”
Increased chronic cannabis use, meanwhile, has caused more cases of nausea and vomiting, she said.
ED physicians often use ondansetron, developed for nausea in chemotherapy patients, Dr McCoy said. However, ondansetron “doesn’t work great. And it really wasn’t developed for people who were actively vomiting.”
The new study follows on from Dr McCoy’s previous research demonstrating the benefit of haloperidol for severe benign headache. She noted that the new study is small and was halted at the interim analysis due to COVID. At that time, ED waits were six or seven hours long, she said, and some patients with nausea and vomiting gave up and went home.
Dr McCoy noted that the ED physicians at her institution continue to turn to alternatives to ondansetron such as haloperidol in appropriate cases, especially in patients with anxiety. Haloperidol, however, is not appropriate, she cautioned, for more complex cases such as patients with rigid abdomens, possible dissections, or who have a need for surgery.
Like ondansetron, haloperidol is inexpensive, she added. “I hope [the new research] spurs more interest in studying this drug and its pain-relieving properties.”
Source: MedPage Today