Asthma from Smoke Exposure Can Pass Down the Generations

Cigarette smoking
Source: Sabine R on Unsplash

Children are more likely to develop asthma if their father was exposed to secondhand smoke when he was a child, according to a study published today in the European Respiratory Journal. The researchers also found that the children have an even higher asthma risk if their father was exposed to secondhand smoke and then also became a smoker.

The researchers say their findings highlight how smoking can cause intergenerational harm, impacting even grandchildren.

The research drew on on data from the Tasmanian Longitudinal Health Study (TAHS). TAHS began in 1968 and is one of the world’s largest and longest ongoing respiratory studies.

For this study, researchers looked at 1689 children who grew up in Tasmania, and their fathers and their paternal grandparents. They compared data on whether the children had developed asthma by age 7 with data on whether the fathers grew up with parents who smoked when they were under age 15. They also included data on whether the fathers were current or former smokers.

First author Mr Jiacheng Liu said, “We found that the risk of non-allergic asthma in children increases by 59% if their fathers were exposed to secondhand smoke in childhood, compared to children whose fathers were not exposed. The risk was even higher, at 72%, if the fathers were exposed to secondhand smoke and went on to smoke themselves.”

Researcher Dr Dinh Bui said, “Our findings show how the damage caused by smoking can have an impact not only on smokers, but also their children and grandchildren. For men who were exposed to secondhand smoke as children, our study suggests that they can still lower the risk they pass on to their own children, if they avoid smoking.”

Senior author Professor Shyamali Dharmage said, “We can’t be certain of how this damage is passed on through generations, but we think it may be to do with epigenetic changes. This is where factors in our environment, such as tobacco smoke, interact with our genes to modify their expression. These changes can be inherited but may be partially reversible for each generation.

“It’s possible that tobacco smoke is creating epigenetic changes in the cells that will go on to produce sperm when boys grow up. These changes can then be passed on to their children.”

The researchers will now investigate if the increased risk of asthma persists into adult life and whether fathers who were exposed to secondhand smoke as children pass on any increase in allergies or other lung diseases to their children.

Source: University of Melbourne

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