Year: 2021

‘Extensive Network’ of Opaque Medical Industry Ties

Image: Pixabay CC0

A study published by the BMJ shines a light on an extensive network of financial and non-financial ties maintained by the medical product industry with all major healthcare parties and activities.

The researchers called for greater oversight and transparency for this largely opaque and unregulated network, “to shield patient care from commercial influence and to preserve public trust in healthcare.”
While the medical product industry is a critical partner in advancing healthcare, especially with the development of new tests and therapies, they have financial returns to shareholders as their main objective.

In a landmark 2009 report [PDF], the Institute of Medicine described a multifaceted healthcare ecosystem rife with industry influence.

To date most research into medical industry conflict of interests have focused on a single party (eg. healthcare professionals, hospitals, or journals) or a single activity (eg. research, education, or clinical care). Thus, the full extent of industry ties across the healthcare ecosystem remains uncertain.

To address this gap, a team of US researchers set out to identify all known ties between the medical product industry and the healthcare ecosystem.

They searched the medical literature for evidence of ties between pharmaceutical, medical device, and biotechnology companies and parties (including hospitals, prescribers and professional societies) and activities (including research, health professional education and guideline development) in the healthcare ecosystem.

The researchers drew in data in 538 articles from 37 countries, along with expert input, to create a map depicting these ties. These ties were then verified, catalogued, and characterised to ascertain types of industry ties (financial, non-financial), applicable policies on conflict of interests, and publicly available data sources.

The results show an extensive network of medical product industry ties – often unregulated and non-transparent – to all major activities and parties in the healthcare ecosystem.

Key activities include research, healthcare education, guideline development, formulary selection (prescription drugs that are covered by a health plan or stocked by a healthcare facility), and clinical care.

Parties include non-profit entities (eg foundations), the healthcare profession, the market supply chain (eg payers, purchasing and distribution agents), and government.

For example, the researchers describe how opioid manufacturers provided funding and other assets to prescribers, patients, public officials, advocacy organisations, and other healthcare parties, who, in turn, pressured regulators and public health agencies to stifle opioid related guidelines and regulations.

They also warned that harms from industry promoted products remain unexplored. All party types were found to have financial ties to medical product companies, with only payers and distribution agents lacking additional, non-financial ties.

They also show that policies for conflict of interests exist for some financial and a few non-financial ties, but publicly available data sources seldom describe or quantify these ties.

The researchers acknowledge that their findings are limited to known or documented industry ties, and that some data might have been missed. However, they say their strategy of systematic, duplicative searching and feedback from an international panel of experts is unlikely to have missed common or important ties.

In light of this, they conclude: “An extensive network of medical product industry ties to activities and parties exists in the healthcare ecosystem. Policies for conflict of interests and publicly available data are lacking, suggesting that enhanced oversight and transparency are needed to protect patients from commercial influence and to ensure public trust.”

Source: EurekAlert!

Pfizer’s Paxlovid Could Deliver Knockout Blow to COVID

Source: Pixabay CC0

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced today that Paxlovid, its investigational novel COVID oral antiviral candidate, significantly reduced hospitalisation and death, based on an interim analysis of its phase II/III clinical trials showing an 89% reduction of risk of hospitalisation or death due to COVID. 

The phase II/III EPIC-HR (Evaluation of Protease Inhibition for COVID-19 in High-Risk Patients) randomised, double-blind study of non-hospitalised adult patients with COVID, who are at high risk of progressing to severe illness. The scheduled interim analysis showed an 89% reduction in risk of COVID-related hospitalisation or all-cause mortality compared to placebo in patients treated within three days of symptom onset (primary endpoint). Only 0.8% of patients who received Paxlovid were hospitalised through Day 28 with zero deaths, compared to 7.0% of patients who received placebo and were hospitalised or died. Similar reductions in COVID-related hospitalisation or mortality were seen in patients treated within five days of symptom onset; 1.0% of patients in the intervention arm were hospitalised through Day 28 with zero deaths, compared to 6.7% of placebo arm patients. In the overall study population through Day 28, no deaths were reported in intervention arm patients as compared to 10 (1.6%) deaths in placebo arm patients.

The results show such an overwhelming effectiveness that Pfizer, in consultation with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), will cease further enrollment into the study and will apply for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) as soon as possible.

If it gets the green light, Pfizer’s Paxlovid, would be the first oral antiviral of its kind, a specifically designed SARS-CoV-2-3CL protease inhibitor. PF-07321332 inhibits viral replication at the proteolysis stage, before viral RNA replication. Co-administration with a low dose of ritonavir helps slow the metabolism of PF-07321332 in order for it to remain active in the body for longer at higher concentrations. It has shown effectiveness against multiple variants, and could have broad general effectiveness against coronaviruses.

“All of us at Pfizer are incredibly proud of our scientists, who designed and developed this molecule, working with the utmost urgency to help lessen the impact of this devastating disease on patients and their communities,” said Mikael Dolsten, MD, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer and President, Worldwide Research, Development and Medical of Pfizer. “We’re thankful to all of the patients, investigators, and sites around the world who participated in this clinical trial, all with the common goal of bringing forth a breakthrough oral therapy to help combat COVID.”

The review of safety data included a larger cohort of 1881 patients in EPIC-HR, whose data were available at the time of the analysis. Adverse events were comparable between paxlovid (19%) and placebo (21%), which were mostly mild.

Pfizer kicked off the EPIC-HR study in July 2021 after positive results from Phase I clinical trials, followed in August by the Phase II/III EPIC-SR (Evaluation of Protease Inhibition for COVID-19 in Standard-Risk Patients), to evaluate efficacy and safety in patients with a confirmed diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection who are at standard (low) risk. This trial includes a cohort of vaccinated at-risk patients who have an acute breakthrough COVID infection. A further trial is investigating prophylaxis among household members of patients with a COVID infection. 

Source: Pfizer

Cannabis Use during Pregnancy is on the Rise

Source: Anna Hecker on Unsplash

As cannabis becomes increasingly legalised, for medical or recreational purposes, its use during pregnancy is increasing, along with the potential for abuse or dependence.

A new study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, explored the magnitude and nature of cannabis use disorders during pregnancy by examining hospital discharge codes. Most of those hospitalisations were for childbirth.

The study found that the proportion of hospitalised pregnant patients identified with cannabis use disorder (defined as cannabis use with clinically significant impairment or distress) rose 150% from 2010 to 2018.

Largest such study so far
“This is the largest study to document the scale of cannabis use disorder in prenatal hospitalisations,” said study co-author Claudia Lugo-Candelas, PhD, assistant professor of clinical medical psychology in Columbia University’s Department of Psychiatry. She notes the study found that pregnant patients with the condition had sharply higher levels of depression, anxiety, and nausea – results of clinical concern.  

“It’s a red flag that patients may not be getting the treatment they need,” Dr Lugo-Candelas said.

Some pregnant patients use cannabis instead of prescribed medications, thinking it’s a safer choice as cannabis legalisation has eased safety fears. However, both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) have recommended against using cannabis while pregnant, chiefly because of known and unknown fetal effects. Concerns for maternal effects focus on smoking or vaping risks, not mental health.

The study identified 249 084 hospitalised pregnant patients with cannabis use disorder, who were classified into three sub-groups: those with cannabis use disorder only; those with use disorders for cannabis and other controlled substances; and those with cannabis use disorder and other non-controlled substances (alcohol, tobacco). Data was matched against equivalent patients without any substance use disorders.

Mood disorders more common
Researchers found that those with the cannabis condition were more likely to be younger (ages 15 to 24), Black non-Hispanic, and to not have private insurance.

Researchers analysed patients records for depression, anxiety, trauma, and ADHD, and a broader category of mood-related disorders. Medical conditions measured included chronic pain, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, nausea, and vomiting.

All disorder sub-groups had elevated rates of nearly every factor studied. Patients with cannabis use disorder alone had triple the levels of depression and anxiety than patients with no use conditions. Mood-related disorders affected 58% of those with cannabis use disorder compared to 5% without.

“The least other substance use you have, the more that cannabis use makes a difference,” Dr Lugo-Candelas said. “That’s really striking.”

High levels of were also seen in the cannabis use disorder hospitalisations, but whether that was due to patients using cannabis to mitigate nausea, or due to cannabis use, which can cause a vomiting syndrome, or a symptom of pregnancy is unknown. Study co-author Angélica Meinhofer, PhD, assistant professor of population health sciences at Weill Cornell Medicine, noted that many states allow medical use of cannabis for nausea and vomiting.

While screening for cannabis during pregnancy could help, doctors could be reluctant to ask about use due to mandatory reporting rules. Patient education could help get them treatment earlier, especially with co-occurring psychiatric problems.

“Hopefully these findings will motivate better conversations between pregnant patients and their health care providers,” said Meinhofer.

The authors stress they aren’t arguing for or against cannabis use in pregnancy. Research on prenatal effects of the disorder is still largely lacking, though frequent use has been linked to low birth weight and other adverse outcomes. Their study, the researchers say, instead underscores the need to further explore the disorder and its links to psychiatric and medical conditions.

The increase of cannabis use by pregnant patients demands immediate investigation. “This is a population that’s showing a level of distress that is very, very high,” said Dr Lugo-Candelas. “Care and attention need to be rolled out.”

Source: Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Enzymes Speed up Production of Molnupiravir for COVID

Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash

Molnupiravir is being developed for the treatment of COVID, which has been submitted for review by the US Food and Drug Administration, but large-scale production to treat COVID is still a challenge. Now, researchers have engineered enzymes to help manufacture the pill, resulting in a much shorter synthesis with a higher yield than current methods. The details of their work are reported in ACS Central Science.

The oral antiviral molnupiravir was originally developed to treat influenza, and works by causing viruses to make errors when copying their own RNA, introducing mutations that inhibit replication. Recently, interim phase 3 clinical trial findings indicated that molnupiravir reduced the risk of hospitalisation and death from COVID for newly diagnosed, at-risk patients, and that it had equal effectiveness against different SARS-CoV-2 variants. Researchers set out to develop a shorter, higher-yielding and sustainable way to synthesise the molecule.

The team came up with a three-step synthesis of molnupiravir from ribose, a sugar molecule. They identified enzymes or chemical treatments to sequentially add the appropriate chemical groups to ribose to generate the molecule. For the second step of the synthesis, the team identified bacterial enzymes that weakly catalysed the desired reactions. Using in vitro evolution, they greatly enhanced these enzymes’ activities. The new synthetic route, which also included a phosphate recycling strategy, was 70% shorter and had a seven-fold higher overall yield than the original route.

Source: American Chemical Society

Why Does Arthritis Flare Up in the Same Place?

Source: Miika Luotio on Unsplash

A new study has revealed why arthritis has a tendency to flare up in the same location instead of around the body.

When joints flare up in people with rheumatoid arthritis and related diseases, the joints involved are often the same as those previously affected. For example, if arthritis started in the right knee, it is much more likely to flare there than in the left knee, even if the arthritis had been in remission for years. Because of this, each patient develops a highly individual disease pattern, though why this is so has remained unclear.

“Overwhelmingly, flares occur in a previously involved joint,” said Peter Nigrovic, MD, chief of the division of immunology at Boston Children’s Hospital. “Something in that joint seems to remember, ‘this is the joint that flared before.’”

A new study, co-led by Dr Nigrovic and published in Cell Reports, shows where that memory is housed: in a type of immune cell called a tissue-resident memory T cell. Specifically, these T cells reside in the synovium, the tissue that lines the inside of the capsule surrounding the joint.
“We showed that these T cells anchor themselves in the joints and stick around indefinitely after the flare is over, waiting for another trigger,” said Dr Nigrovic. “If you delete these cells, arthritis flares stop.”

The team demonstrated this phenomenon in three separate mouse models of inflammatory arthritis. Two models used chemical triggers to cause joint inflammation, and the third had a protein knocked out that blocks the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1. Once activated, resident memory T cells in the joints rallied other immune cells, leading to an arthritis flares limited to specific joints. Elimination of these T cells prevented further flares from occurring.

“Right now, treatment of rheumatoid arthritis has to continue lifelong; although we can successfully suppress disease activity in many patients, there is no cure,” said Dr Nigrovic. “We think our findings may open up new therapeutic avenues.”

Dr Nigrovic also believes the findings apply to other types of autoimmune arthritis, including juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

Dermatology provided a cue for the researchers: tissue-resident memory T cells were originally found in skin, where a ‘memory’ pattern is well known to dermatologists. In psoriasis, for example, patients get recurrent plaques in the same places. The same often holds true in cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions, such as reactions to nickel in jewelry or wristwatches. “A person reacting to nickel through a belt buckle may also develop a rash on their wrist, where they wore a nickel-containing watch as a child,” observed Dr Nigrovic.

Source: EurekAlert!

Over 28 Million More Years of Life Lost in 2020

Source: Pixabay CC0

Over 28 million more years of life were lost than expected in 2020 in 31 upper-middle and high-income countries, according to a University of Oxford-led study published in the BMJ.

Save for a handful of exceptions, 37 countries examined including the US had more premature deaths than expected in 2020, with a higher rate in men than women.

Understanding the full impact of the COVID pandemic requires counting excess deaths, and analysing how premature those deaths are. Years of life lost (YLL) is a more detailed assessment of COVID’s impact on populations as it measures both the number of deaths and the age at which death occurs.

Researchers used this measure to estimate the changes in life expectancy and excess years of life lost from all causes in 2020. They compared the observed life expectancy and years of life lost in 2020 with historical trends in 2005-19 in 37 upper-middle and high-income countries.

Between 2005 and 2019, life expectancy at birth rose for both men and women in all the countries studied. In 2020, a drop in life expectancy was seen in both men and women in all countries save New Zealand, Taiwan, and Norway, where there was a life expectancy gain and Denmark, Iceland, and South Korea saw no change.

The biggest life expectancy drop was in Russia (−2.33 years in men and −2.14 in women), the US (−2.27 and 1.61), Bulgaria (−1.96 and −1.37), Lithuania (−1.83 and −1.21), Chile (−1.64 in men), and Spain (−1.11 in women). Years of life lost declined in most countries in both men and women between 2005 and 2019, except Canada, Greece, Scotland, Taiwan, and the US.  

In 2020, years of life lost were higher than expected in all countries except Taiwan and New Zealand, where there was a reduction in years of life lost, and Iceland, South Korea, Denmark, and Norway, where there was no evidence of a change in years of life lost. In the remaining 31 countries, more than 222 million years of life were lost in 2020, which is 28.1 million more than expected (17.3 million in men and 10.8 million in women).  

The highest excess years of life lost (per 100 000) were in Russia (7020 in men and 4760 in women), Bulgaria (7260 and 3730), Lithuania (5,430 in men and 2,640 in women), and the US (4,350 in men and 2,430 in women).

Overall, excess years of life lost in 2020 were over five times greater (2510 per 100 000) than those associated with the seasonal influenza epidemic in 2015 (458 per 100 000).

The excess years of life lost were relatively low in people under 65 years, except in Russia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, and the US where the excess years of life lost was more than 2 000 per 100 000.

Most countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America were excluded due to insufficient data, and researchers could not account for other factors, such as socioeconomic status, regional disparities, and race or ethnicity. However, the findings are largely in line with previous studies, and the use of authoritative national mortality data, together with a validated analytical approach, suggests that the results are robust.

“Our findings of a comparable or lower than expected YLL in Taiwan, New Zealand, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and South Korea underscore the importance of successful viral suppression and elimination policies, including targeted and population based public health policy interventions,” the researchers wrote. “As many of the effects of the pandemic might take a longer time frame to have a measurable effect on human lives, continuous and timely monitoring of excess YLL would help identify the sources of excess mortality and excess YLL in population subgroups.”

Source: University of Oxford

Unmet Lung Cancer Patient Needs Have a Significant Impact

Source: Mart Production on Pexels

Research studies suggest that unmet physical and psychological needs of patients with lung cancer have a significant impact on patients’ quality of life and affect their ability to continue with everyday activities. 

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States. No specific signs and symptoms exist for lung cancer, and most patients already have advanced disease at the time of presentation. In a study published in the European Journal of Cancer Care, researchers examined the impact of unmet needs on patients’ lives.

Analysing results from six studies involving 562 patients, researchers found that almost two thirds of the patients had been diagnosed with advanced cancer (stage III or IV), and most had been diagnosed for less than two years. There was a negative association between quality of life and unmet needs using two different measures. In two of the studies, the relationship was limited to physical and/or psychological needs.

In the physical domain, lack of energy and tiredness were common unmet needs, and uncertainty about the future, fears, and worry were among the most common in the psychological domain.

“This research underscores the high burden of unmet needs for individuals with lung cancer, often resulting from late diagnosis and associated lack of curative treatment,” said corresponding author Simon Dunne, PhD, of Dublin City University, in Ireland. “There is a need for early intervention and tailoring of pre-existing services to address unmet supportive care needs in this cancer group.”

Source: Wiley

Ultrasound Treatment can Target Neural Circuits of Epilepsy

Image credit: Dr Yu

A pioneering new study from Taiwan showed that focused ultrasound, which can be used to non-invasively target circuits in the brain, may benefit some patients with epilepsy who experience seizures which remain unresponsive to standard anti-seizure medications.

The results showed that of six patients with drug-resistant seizures, two patients had fewer seizures within three days of receiving focused ultrasound; however, one patient showed signs of more frequent subclinical seizures (which are not felt by the individual). The findings from the study were published in the journal Epilepsia.

Imaging tests performed after the treatment show that there were no negative effects on the brain. One patient reported a sensation of heat on the scalp during the treatment, and another patient experienced temporary memory impairment that resolved within three weeks.

“Neuromodulation is an alternative treatment for drug-resistant epilepsy. Compared with the present modalities used in neuromodulation for epilepsy, focused ultrasound can access deeper brain regions and focus on the main target of the epileptic network in a relatively less invasive approach,” explained senior author Hsiang-Yu Yu, MD, of Taipei Veterans General Hospital, in Taiwan. “It gives new hope and sheds new light for patients with drug-resistant epilepsy.”

Source: Wiley

Treating Cancer with the Toxoplasma Gondii Parasite

Source: National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Scientists have discovered that Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite known to cause illness in pregnant women and immunocompromised patients, could potentially enhance the treatment of various types of tumours.

The parasite Toxoplasma gondii is a single-celled opportunistic protozoan capable of infecting a broad range of warm-blooded animals and has been reported in nearly one-third of the world’s human population. It has a number of health effects, including a strong link to schizophrenia and has even been associated with increased suicide attempts in mothers.

While many treatments have been able to treat tumours and prolong the lives of patients, there is a need to further enhance these. In the study, published in the Journal for ImmunoTherapy Cancer, scientists found that the commonly found parasite  is able to sensitise ‘cold’  tumours, that is, tumours unlikely to trigger a strong immune response, to immune checkpoint blockade therapy.

The researchers believe that this finding could have broader therapeutic implications for many types of cancers.

T. gondii has to live inside the cells of its host and secretes numerous proteins to counter the host’s immune defences and to facilitate their own invasion and colonisation of the host cells. The researchers first built a T. gondii mutant strain with limited growth and disease-causing ability, but which is also able to manipulate the host immune system.

By directly injecting this mutant parasite into solid tumours, it induces inflammatory responses in those tumours and even in tumours located in a distant location in the mouse body. The researchers further demonstrated that this treatment approach has made tumours more responsive to treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors.

This dual treatment significantly extended the survival of mice and reduced tumour growth in mouse models of melanoma, Lewis lung carcinoma, and colon adenocarcinoma.

Dr Hany Elsheikha, Associate Professor in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science at the University of Nottingham, and one of the lead authors of the study, said: “The use of a mutant version of Toxoplasma gondii in the treatment of certain tumours in mice models has been previously reported. What makes this study different is the confirmation that intratumoural injection with mutant Toxoplasma gondii strain boosts antitumour immunity and the effectiveness of checkpoint inhibition therapy.

“These are significant findings and are relevant to future tumour therapy. The marked reduction in tumour size and the significant improvement in the survival of mice that received this novel combinational therapy is promising but should be interpreted with caution as further research is needed.”

Source: University of Nottingham

UN Urges Group B Streptococcus Vaccine to Protect Babies

Photo by William-Fortunato on Pexels

There is an urgent need for vaccines against Group B streptococcus, a major cause of preterm births, disability and infant mortality worldwide, according to a UN-backed report published on Wednesday.

Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a gram-positive bacteria that colonises the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract. It can be transmitted in utero, is linked to around 150 000 infant deaths each year, more than half a million preterm births and significant long-term disability.

The report by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) updates 2017 estimates, and reveals that the global burden of GBS is far higher than was previously recognised.

“This new research shows that Group B strep is a major and underappreciated threat to newborn survival and wellbeing, bringing devastating impacts for so many families globally,” said Dr Phillipp Lambach, Medical Officer from WHO’s Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals department.

The report is the first to quantify the major contribution of GBS to preterm births, and to neurological impairments such as cerebral palsy, hearing and vision loss, that can occur following infection.

Around 15% of all pregnant women worldwide, nearly 20 million annually, carry the GBS bacterium in their vagina, which can then spread to a foetus, or to newborns during labour. At present, GBS disease prevention in newborns is by administering antibiotic prophylaxis to women during labour, if the bacterium is detected during pregnancy.

However, significant health risks remain, as this intervention is unlikely to prevent most GBS-associated stillbirths, preterm births, or GBS disease that occurs later after birth.

“It is difficult to describe the breadth or depth of the grief when your child dies, or the accompanying guilt, and how it changes you, your family, and your relationships forever,” said Debbie Forwood, whose daughter Ada was stillborn after she developed a GBS infection.

Vaccine development urged
GBS burden is highest in low and middle-income countries, where screening and treatment are most challenging to implement, with regions such as sub-Saharan Africa having the highest rates of maternal GBS.
Now is the time for action, said Joy Lawn, an LSHTM Professor who contributed to the report.  While several candidate GBS vaccines are in development, none are yet available despite decades in the pipeline. The report calls for stepping up development of an effective GBS vaccine that could be administered to expectant mothers during routine pregnancy checkups.

The partners estimate more than 50 000 GBS-related deaths, and over 170 000 pre-term births, could be avoided if over 70 per cent of pregnant women were vaccinated.

Such protection could also be highly cost-effective, they added.  Net benefits from a year of maternal vaccinations could reach as high as $17 billion, accruing over several years, provided doses are affordably priced. For Ms. Forwood, this would be a bittersweet development.

“Only a GBS vaccine could have saved Ada.  When a vaccine can be widely rolled out, I will weep and scream with the unfairness that it came too late for her, and for all the other babies who are needlessly suffering and dying every year that it is delayed,” she said.

“But I will also weep with joy that in the future, many more will live, and their families will be saved from the living hell that is the death of a child.”

Source: UN News