Some people living in tropical regions are already living under conditions of heat stress that are approaching the upper limits of human survivability, a study has found.
In this study published in iScience, researchers noted that climate models used to predict heat conditions around the world are generally based on data from weather stations in relatively populated areas. Such data, they note, excludes conditions for people living in what they describe as informal settlements. To find out more about the conditions for people living in areas expected to be hit by the worst global warming effects, the researchers placed heat sensors in and around 100 houses in Makassar, Indonesia, a settlement in a tropical part of the country. The observed conditions are likely representative of many such settlements in the tropics, the researchers suggested.
Analysing the data, the researchers discovered that, during the rainy season, 80% of the sensors recorded temperatures in excess of established health thresholds. At such temperatures and humidity levels, adverse health impacts are said to be felt by people living there. In a few instances, they found that the sensors recorded temperatures that are believed to represent the upper limit of human survivability.
These findings are alarming for several reasons, they noted. For one, millions of people living in many parts of the world are already living under heat conditions that are harmful to their health. Another is the fact that many such people engage in physical labour for their livelihoods, and doing so in extreme heat can be fatal. Perhaps most alarming is the near certainty that conditions in such places are going to get worse as the planet continues to warm from fossil fuel burning and climate change. An analysis of the agreements reached at the COP26 summit found that the Earth was on course for a 2.4°C increase in temperature, well above the 1.5°C increase suggested by scientists to avoid the worst effects of climate change. For most such places, there are no relocation plans, and little chance that heat-mitigating technology such as air-conditioning will be installed. This suggests that a disaster of massive proportions is on the way.
Source: Phys.Org