A Canadian study found that after the onset of the COVID pandemic, there was a significant decline in referrals and procedures for common cardiac interventions.
Patients awaiting coronary bypass surgery or stenting were at higher risk of dying while waiting for their procedure compared to before the pandemic, despite wait times not being longer. The study was published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology.
“In the first wave of the COVID pandemic, we kept hearing stories from patients and other doctors that there were delays in care for patients with heart disease,” explained lead investigator Harindra C. Wijeysundera, MD, PhD, University of Toronto. “We decided to look into these claims using the Ontario database that keeps track of wait lists and wait times for individuals with heart disease who require a procedure or surgery.”
The researchers were able to link multiple population-based administrative data sources and clinical registries. The study looked at adult patients who were referred for four commonly performed cardiac procedures: percutaneous coronary intervention; isolated coronary bypass grafting; valve surgery; or transcatheter aortic valve implantation from January 1, 2014 to September 30, 2020, and the start of the pandemic was put at March 31 2020. Outcomes were defined as death while awaiting procedure and hospitalisation while waiting for procedure.
Of 584 341 patients identified, 37 718 were referred during the pandemic. As expected, a decline in referrals was observed at the outset of the pandemic, although those numbers steadily increased throughout the pandemic period, along with an initial decline in the number of procedures performed. Individuals waiting for coronary bypass surgery or stenting were at higher risk of dying while waiting for their procedure compared to before the pandemic. Mortality rates increased even though wait times did not during the pandemic, suggesting patients may have delayed in presenting to their doctors with symptoms.
“We found that the increase in wait list mortality was consistent across patients with stable coronary artery disease, acute coronary syndrome, or emergency referral,” said Dr Wijeysundera. “Coupled with reduced referrals, this raises concerns of a care deficit due to delays in diagnosis and wait list referral.”
A number of potential explanations were suggested by the researchers for the decline in referrals during the pandemic, from patient factors such as fear of contracting COVID in the hospital or concerns about missing work, to system factors including testing delays and pressures on hospital beds and staffing.
Source: EurekAlert!