Success with independent surgical simulation training has made it the new normal for students at the Pan Am Clinic.
Traditionally, surgical resident training has been master–apprentice-type relationship, with gradually increasing responsibilities until the trainees can do procedures on their own. Given recent pressures in the health care system, including reduced operating room time, increased difficulty of procedures and working hour restrictions, there is less time for residents to learn using the traditional method.
Surgical simulation, a surprisingly old system, dates back nearly 2500 years, when they were first used to plan innovative procedures while maintaining patient safety. One of the first recorded instances of surgical simulation was the use of leaf and clay models in India around 600 BC to conceptualise nasal reconstruction with a forehead flap
In a recent study, researchers from the University of Manitoba and the Pan Am Clinic recently examined the effectiveness of a mixed reality simulator for the training of arthroscopy novices.
Study author Dr Samuel Larrivée said: “Sports surgeons at our institution noted anecdotally that junior residents had difficulty reaching competency in arthroscopic skills by the end of their three-month rotation, and were not as prepared when starting their senior rotation. There was a need to increase training opportunities outside of the operating room in order to prepare our residents for independent practice.”
Prior to obtaining the ArthroS™ simulator, the University of Manitoba Orthopedic Surgery program occasionally made use of options such as benchtop dry simulators, cadavers and an older generation simulator with active haptics. These largely complemented academic teaching sessions in small groups with some success, and were available for use by residents as needed. But, due to the low fidelity and difficult setup, few residents took advantage of it.
However, medical students readily took to the ArthroS simulator. Alisha Beaudoin, a co-author and medical student, attested to her experience using the ArthroS simulator in her early training. “I found this training to be very helpful during my surgery rotation. Many of my preceptors were impressed by my superior arthroscopic and laparoscopic skills. This training may allow students with an interest in surgery to be more prepared.
“Recently, many Canadian universities have moved to competency-based curriculums where residents must demonstrate competency prior to moving to the next defined practice level. The study noted that this is similar to the training available on VirtaMed ArthroS and that “a user enrolled in the mentoring program is progressed through various levels of training by meeting training targets, essentially providing a proficiency-based progression.”
This paper is the first in what the authors hope is a larger body of work on validating arthroscopy simulators for resident training. There are currently plans to repeat similar studies with the other modules (hip, shoulder, and ankle), with larger sample sizes, and at different levels of training.
Participants were split into three groups: simulator training only, mentor-based training, and a control. After four weeks, surgical performance improved among both traditional and simulator-based training groups. The study concluded that “simulator training may provide enhanced skills to improve patient safety overall, as residents may become more skilled earlier in their training, leaving more time for the mentor to teach more advanced skills.” Dr Beaudoin further explains: “I believe that simulation training should be introduced into the standardised curriculum because I believe it offers a safe space to hone your skills and improve in a stress-free environment.”
On the strength of the results, the residency programme has made it a requirement in the curriculum that residents in their sports rotation complete the self-learning modules. Dr Larrivée believes this will help residents develop their triangulation skills and memorise the steps ahead of their first surgery, and to consolidate their knowledge.
Source: VirtaMed