Scientists have developed a set of tools that will help create a gene drive to control mosquito-borne diseases such as the West Nile virus, which has received less attention than controlling mosquitoes that transmit malaria.
Since the advent of CRISPR genetic editing revolution, scientists have been working to use the technology to develop gene drives that target pathogen-spreading mosquitoes such as Anopheles and Aedes species, which spread malaria, dengue and other life-threatening diseases.
Much less genetic engineering work has focused on Culex genus mosquitoes, which spread devastating afflictions stemming from West Nile virus, as well as other viruses such as the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV). Culex mosquitoes are a significant health risk in Africa and Asia, where they transmit the worm causing filariasis, a disease that can lead to a chronic debilitating condition known as elephantiasis.
University of California San Diego scientists have now developed a number of genetic editing tools that will help create a gene drive designed to stop Culex mosquitoes from spreading disease. Gene drives are designed to spread modified genes, in this case those that disable the ability to transmit pathogens, throughout the targeted wild population. The new study is published in the journal Nature Communications,
The researchers developed a Cas9/guide-RNA expression ‘toolkit’ designed for Culex mosquitoes. Since so little genetic engineering work has been done on Culex mosquitoes, the researchers were required to develop their toolkit from scratch, starting with a careful examination of the Culex genome.
“My coauthors and I believe that our work will be impactful for scientists working on the biology of the Culex disease vector since new genetic tools are deeply needed in this field,” said Gantz, an assistant research scientist in the Division of Biological Sciences at UC San Diego. “We also believe the scientific community beyond the gene drive field will welcome these findings since they could be of broad interest.”
The researchers also demonstrated the applicability of their tools in other insects.
“These modified gRNAs can increase gene drive performance in the fruit fly and could potentially offer better alternatives for future gene drive and gene-editing products in other species,” said Gantz.
Gantz and his colleagues have now tested their new tools to ensure proper genetic expression of the CRISPR components and are now on the verge of applying them to a gene drive in Culex mosquitoes. This could be used to stop pathogen transmission by Culex mosquitoes, or alternatively employed to suppress the mosquito population to prevent biting.