A new study has found that older people who feel younger are generally more healthy. Such people have greater sense of well-being, better cognitive functioning, less inflammation, lower risk of hospitalisation and even live longer than their older-feeling peers.
As Francis Bacon once said, “I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am.” Studies have shown that feeling younger than one’s chronological age has been known to have some health benefits. A twin study in Denmark showed that perceived age, correlated significantly with physical and cognitive functioning as well as with leucocyte telomere length — which prevents cells from becoming unable to divide.
Researchers from the German Centre of Gerontology analysed three years of data from 5039 participants in the German Ageing Survey, a longitudinal survey of German residents of age 40 and older. The survey had questions about the amount of perceived stress in peoples’ lives and their functional health—how well they could conduct daily activities such as dressing and walking. Participants also indicated their subjective age by answering the question, “How old do you feel?”
Participants with more reported stress tended to have a more rapid decline in functional health over three years, and that association between stress and functional health decline was stronger for chronologically older participants.
Among people who felt younger than their chronological age, there was a weaker association between stress and functional health decline. This protective effect was strongest among the oldest participants.
“Generally, we know that functional health declines with advancing age, but we also know that these age-related functional health trajectories are remarkably varied. As a result, some individuals enter old age and very old age with quite good and intact health resources, whereas others experience a pronounced decline in functional health, which might even result in need for long-term care,” said lead author Markus Wettstein, PhD, who is now at University of Heidelberg. “Our findings support the role of stress as a risk factor for functional health decline, particularly among older individuals, as well as the health-supporting and stress-buffering role of a younger subjective age.”
The researchers said their findings suggest that helping older people feel younger could mitigate the negative effects stress and improving health—though further study is needed to help determine what kind of interventions would work best. Dr Wettstein gave examples of such efforts, such as messaging campaigns to counteract ageism and negative age stereotypes and to promote ageing in a positive light could help people feel younger. More general stress-reduction interventions and stress management training could also prevent functional health loss among older adults.
Dr Wettstein said that there needs to be further studies to find the ideal gap between subjective and chronological age, as previous research has suggested that, up to a point, it’s helpful to feel younger, but those benefits decrease as the gap between subjective and chronological age increases. “Feeling younger to some extent might be adaptive for functional health outcomes, whereas ‘feeling too young’ might be less adaptive or even maladaptive,” he said.
Source: Medical Xpress
Journal information: Markus Wettstein et al, Feeling younger as a stress buffer: Subjective age moderates the effect of perceived stress on change in functional health., Psychology and Aging (2021). DOI: 10.1037/pag0000608