Article Highlights Lack of Healthcare’s Anaemia Support for Women

An article entitled  “The misogyny of iron deficiency”, published today in Anesthesia addresses the history of anaemia and how women’s health has often been overlooked.

The article was written by researchers from The University of Western Australia and University College London coincides with International Women’s Day. Sex differences in haemoglobin begins in puberty due to the effects of menstruation on iron stores and also varies by age, and can be affected by factors such as smoking and pregnancy.

Team lead Professor Toby Richards, Lawrence-Brown Chair in Vascular Surgery at UWA, is calling for greater recognition and equality for women’s health. He said that one in three women would need to take iron supplements at some point in their life.

“Our figures show that up to 18 percent of women who appear fit and healthy are actually deficient in iron, with heavy menstrual bleeding the most common cause. Symptoms reported by women range from fatigue to brain fog, hair loss and eating ice,” Prof Richards said.

Iron deficiency was a particular problem for women involved in fitness or sport with up to one in five athletes affected, he added.

“Issues with a women’s menstrual cycle and particularly heavy periods are surprisingly common and often not recognized with more than half also suffering iron deficiency.

“It’s so common it’s hiding in plain sight and both are under-diagnosed issues in women’s health. Unfortunately, there has been a dogma to accept these as ‘in the normal range’ for women,” said Prof Richards.

Prof Richards’ team also recently surveyed two groups of women, including 68 triathletes and 181 students, at UWA’s recent Orientation Day.

The women completed a simple questionnaire about previous iron status, menstrual blood loss, diet and motherhood. They were then tested for anaemia. Of the 181 women tested 14.5% were anaemic and most were unaware.

“This is alarming that so many apparently fit and healthy women are actually anemic, which may impact on their physical and mental health,” said Prof Richards.

He said many women simply coped with constant tiredness among a host of other symptoms, without addressing the root cause.

“We want to raise awareness of these conditions and help women recognize the signs and symptoms, in order to get the treatment that their body needs to improve their health and welfare.”

Source: News-Medical.Net