Siemens Healthineers announced on Wednesday that their antigen self-test kit, which uses samples from a nasal swab, has received limited special approval from the Federal Office for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) for self-use by laypeople in Germany. The regular conformity assessment procedure for the standardised ‘CE‘ mark was also initiated for personal use by laypeople.
“With the provision of the COVID-19 antigen rapid test for possible use by laypeople in Germany, we are breaking new ground and are thus continuing to fulfill our social responsibility to support a return to normal social life,” said Bernd Ohnesorge, Head of Europe, Middle East, and Africa Regions, Siemens Healthineers
The practicability of the kit was confirmed by a study in which 50 participants without medical training personally carried out the test by following the instructions for use. The test already has a CE mark for use by specialist groups for taking samples in the nose.
“The CLINITEST COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test offers users a high degree of flexibility in performing the test with very good quality results,” said Christoph Pedain, Head of Point of Care Diagnostics at Siemens Healthineers.
Siemens’ COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test takes 15 minutes to give a result, using samples taken from both nostrils using a swab. The swab is then washed out in a reagent, which detaches a specific protein from the surface of the virus. The resulting liquid is dripped into a recess in the test cassette.
The test liquid migrates into the field of view of the cassette within 15 minutes, becoming visible as a line. The position and number of lines indicate as to whether there is a positive or negative test result, or whether there was a problem, necessitating a repeat of the test.
In the instructions, the tester is shown the steps to achieve a test result, including instructions on how to proceed according to the test result. A negative test result does not exempt the user from any local COVID regulations. Currently, the test kit is also available in the UK.
Source: Siemens