Women are Less Likely to Undergo Critical Heart Surgery

A scientific presentation at the 57th Annual Meeting of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons revealed that women are less likely to have a coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) using guideline-recommended approaches, possibly resulting in worse post-surgery outcomes.

CABG is a major surgical operation involves bypassing atheromatous blockages in a patient’s coronary arteries with venous or arterial conduits harvested from elsewhere in the patient’s body.

Dr Oliver Jawitz and colleagues from Duke and The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine used the STS Adult Cardiac Surgery Database (containing records of nearly all CABG procedures done in the US), and identified adult patients from 2011 to 2019 who underwent first-time isolated CABG, along with detailed demographic, clinical and procedural data.

The association between female sex and three different CABG surgical techniques from US and European guidelines was investigated. Grafting of the left internal mammary artery to the left anterior descending artery, complete revascularisation, and multiarterial grafting have been linked to better short and/or long-term outcomes. Despite this, the results indicated that women were 14%-22% less likely than men to undergo CABG procedures with these revascularisation strategies.

“With these findings, we did in fact see less aggressive treatment strategies with women,” said Dr Jawitz. “It is clear that sex disparities exist in all aspects of care for patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), including diagnosis, referral for treatment, and now, in surgical approaches to CABG. We must ensure that female patients undergoing CABG are receiving evidence-based, guideline-concordant techniques.”

The results are in accordance with an overall neglect of heart disease treatment in women. Women are much more likely than men to have non-typical symptoms of heart disease which are also subtler, such as abdominal pain and fatigue, as well as having their own particular set of risk of factors. This is compounded by women being underrepresented in cardiac disease study cohorts.

Women’s health historically focused on mother and child, and breast cancer. As such, the period from symptom onset to diagnosis and treatment is longer, allowing the disease to progress and worsen outcomes. This is also reflected by fewer women being referred for beneficial treatments such as CABG. 

“Delayed diagnosis of CAD in women leads to late initiation of key behavioral and pharmacologic interventions for minimizing heart disease risk, as well as delayed referral for invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, including surgical revascularisation with CABG,” said Dr Jawitz. “This often means that by the time female patients undergo these procedures, they have more severe disease than males, as well as a greater number of comorbidities, which leads to worse outcomes.

“Now that we have identified specific differences in surgical approaches to CABG between females and males, we must further elucidate how these differences result in disparate outcomes such as increased mortality, readmissions, and complications,” he concluded. “These findings will help inform the development of sex-specific guidelines for the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease.”

Source: News-Medical.Net