Research Suggests Vitamin C Beneficial for Severe COVID

According to Associate Professor Anitra Carr of Otago University in New Zealand, research provides evidence that large doses of Vitamin C is beneficial for severe COVID. A 2019 study previously showed that giving Vitamin C to patients with Acute Respiratory Distress reduced mortality rates.

“A recent study that came out of the US showed that patients with coronavirus in ICU with Covid-19 also had very low vitamin C levels,” Carr said. “That’s because the body chews through a lot more of it when you get an infection – and your requirements increase significantly. But the standard doses given in the intensive care unit aren’t enough to compensate, given a severe case of the disease comes with a huge inflammatory response and oxidative stress.”

 Carr said that delivering the drug intravenously was critical to supplying the high levels of Vitamin C needed. One study from Wuhan, China showed Vitamin C conferred a survival benefit to placebo, though Carr noted that many more studies are needed and will come throughout the next year.

However, besides its normal dietary role, there was little research to show that Vitamin C had much of a preventative role. Carr said, “Some research has shown that, if you’re under enhanced stress, your risk for infection increases, so in those people vitamin C may decrease the risk of getting it. But in the general everyday population, who aren’t under extreme physical stress, it may not decrease your chances of catching the disease.”

Source: NZ Herald